Revving approx. 2000-2500 rpm...only reading 500??

1 The engine is revving a hell of a lot more than 500 rpm, but the tachometer is only reading 500 rpm.
2…Oil blowing out of the turbo and into the hotpipe… Intercooler… etcetera. I am assuming the turbo is s**te and wondering if anybody rebuilds them.

What Tach are you using to read RPM?

If stock is it the DOHC one?

If it’s the DOHC one check for proper contact.

Corrosion can cause resistance causing a wrong reading on your Tach.

As for the oil, is it a fresh startup on a imported motor?

That could just be oil sitting on top of the pistons.

But if it’s a lot blowing out of the turbo then the Turbo is Toast.

If it’s a stock S13 T25 it’s not worth rebuilding.

Just invest into a T28 or a New GT25 or GT28.

BTW WTF means What The Fcuk…

I have a 98 blacktop and a HUD unit that did not come stock with either the engine or the car. Everything else works fine aside from the cat temp or egt light (whichever it may be). The guy installing it (previous owner) sucks at what he does (mechanic), but thinks he’s the bomb. Thanks for the spar and your help and I guess I will try to locate a 28 or I’ll call Heavythrottle, I guess.

If there is anyone in the Hamilton area available to help me out with a T28 let me know.


There is a really respectable turbo rebuilder in Fingal (somewhat close to London) called Cherry Turbo’s. A man named Herman runs it, and is damn good/experienced at what he does. I got my turbo rebuilt there, and he did a great job for a good price. Give him a call, he may have some good options for you.

Thanks. I am still going to look into a t28 or “Disco Potato”. I’ll just weigh my options.