So I just bought my over priced turbo setup for my KA. Just to find out that the turbo steels are completely fucked as well there is a little shaft play.
The oil and water are mixing together and are leaking into the intake side of the turbo.
Dose anyone know a reputable company that can rebuild this turbo?
As well has anyone rebuilt a turbo and knows around how much a rebuild could cost?
I still need to check the specs on the Garrett site to get a full picture of which turbo I really have. but have been told it was a GT28.
I went to turbomasters to get my turbo rebuilt. It is a consideration but I don’t think they did as good of a job as I would have hoped. The turbo does work fine afterwards.
I bought it off a guy named Luke hes son name is Sherlock. He gave me this bull shit story about how he used the turbo for a little bit and it worked fine. I don’t like people who bull shit me.
I did see a post by him saying he mixed up the oil and water lines. He stated that he went around the block and noticed the new oil he put it was mixed with the water. Well what I think is he bought a blown turbo and realized it was fucked after he installed it. then sold it saying it was good to try to make his lost money back.
Everything i told you about the setup is exactly what i knew about it and exactly what happened. i bought this setup being told everything was fine with it and that in no way did anything have problems. i hooked everything up and drove around the block a few times came back to check how everything was and noticed the oil and coolant had mixed, i made my thread about it and got a few answers saying my lines were most likely crossed, i did not have this car registered to drive on the road that the setup was put in so i never knew how everything ran exactly. in no means am i any expert on turbos and my knowledge i have about them is not much, this was the first time i turbod a car myself and could not have told you if it was or was not blown. and as for it being over priced when i bought it it was up for 1200 by itself where i had it at 1100 with a full engine and tranny. you also have my phone number and could have easily called me, also at no time did i ever say it was a gt28, here is my exact thread with what was all posted
I was there for the whole process and can also say i di not see anything wrong with the setup. As for it being overpriced… you still bought it, if you can find it for less then go buy that setup. I would’ve said that was a pretty damn good deal…
I found out after some research that this in fact is not a t28 as I was led to believe but a GT2560R. A stock SR20 turbo. The numbers wont exactly match up however that’s the closest to it.
The turbine, shaft, and compressor are in great shape so I agree the deal would be fantastic. However he had the size wrong and still sold a blown turbo causing me to have to send it in to be rebuilt.
Thanks guys for the support I will do just that make calls to all the suggested places. If anyone knows of anymore that do this work please send them my way.
don’t rebuild ball bearing turbos… every one that has tried, be it from cherry, or anywhere else, has them explode shortly thereafter.
i have had 2 turbos rebuilt, both GT2871R’s and both sent back to Precision Turbo… they basically just put a new centre cartrdige in rather than actually rebuilding and it costs just as much as a new turbo anyways… doesnt even save $50 over wholesale.
CherryTurbos was definitely not that great when my sister’s boyfriend had his discopotato rebuilt by them a few months ago. When he got it back it was pretty much the exact same, just cleaner. Oil seals were still messed up. He ended up just buying a new turbo after CherryTurbo’s wouldn’t accept any fault for the bad job that was done.
I also was doing some looking around on Google and found a place here in Toronto that does stock turbo rebuilds. “Zex” They even give a 1 year warranty or 20,000 KM. Anyone heard anything about them. They were very quick to respond to me with a ballpark price.
I was with the seller when he purchased this turbo setup from 240coupe. We did the same thing you did Clutchfire, inspected everything, and like you, we thought everything was fine. We installed and drove it around the block and everything seemed alright, nothing super wacked out or out of the ordinary. Shortly after that the turbo was uninstalled and sold to you.
So, sherlock is in the same predicament you are.
He bought a turbo that was sapossedly not blown.
Seems like people are selling off a lot of their junk on son240. I have bought quite a few things, and did as much research that I could ahead of time, and still end up with something that is garbage.
differential off of son member: said to have been low km jdm from varun (already wasted 4 months later on daily driving)
RUCAS off of son member: did not even last a couple months (heim joints were worn but didnt know to look for that when I bought them), they were also seized when I got them, but I knew that
intake off of son member: said to me for KA, does not fit either KA24E, or KA24DE version obd1/2, noticed it was weird when I bought it, but seller reassured me that it was right
Z32 BMC - seized, filled with kerosene to try to free it, should have realized from the smell - found a bigger/better one, so I sold it to another son member and ended up looking like a fool because I didnt know it was seized as I had never used it myself (of course I honored his sale and refunded money)
Z brakes - sold a turbo front left setup, and non turbo front right setup (sold together)…(this was not from a son member, but still)
I am kind of thread jacking here, but this seems to be a common problem with some guys on this forum. We’re here as a community, with shared interests, you’d think we’d be supporting eachother, not taking advantage of eachother. I have only had my 240s for under a year, so some could say I should have done proper research, or better known what to check for when I am buying the stuff - well, you’re right, I know a lot more now, and what I will be looking for is how god damn crooked the seller is.