Rebuilding Turbo

ill be getting a HKS GT2540R turbo, it was driven for about 30km and something was in the oil line so the shaft heated up and warped it. It needs a new turbine, the part with the 2 blades right?

Does anybody know anywhere i can get it rebuilt for pretty cheap or am i better off getting another turbo? the stock turbo is burning oil like no tomorrow because the oil seals are finished. let me know, thanks!

i’m in kingston but go to ottawa often.

Try to get a hold of Herman from Cherry Turbo’s (last I heard he closed down shop) but he would be able to recommend a guy to you “I just forget who”. Other then that you can shop around and phone some places but throu my experince with Herman @ Cherry, the rebuild cost of a BB Turbo (in some cases) is damn near the cost of it new but will vary…

since its just the oil seals that are messed with my turbo right now, can i just get new seals and replace them with the old used ones?

1st you say the Shaft is warped and now you say its just the oil seals ? well which one is it really ?

2ndly… (I was told by Herman @ Cherry Turbos) if you split the housing to replace the Seals then their is no question that it should be re-balanced. NOW many people (on SON alone) claim you can replace oil seals no problem without re-balancing the shaft. Myself, I’d take the word of a professional turbo rebuilder vs kids on a forum but to each their own…

I would recommend calling some Shops and getting 1st hand information from a professional who does it for a living (you’ll always get mixed reviews from a forum)

the turbo ON the car right now is burning oil because the seals are gone.

the HKS turbo is a turbo ill be getting.

i’ll try to find some places to call, but its good to know that i can actually just replace the seals!

call herman
my friend goes through him all the time.
Any turbo that you dissasemble it would be a good idea to get it balanced, if not you will be doing the same thing over again.

if an ‘R’ turbo was left unoiled for long enough to cause 'warping damage ’ ( which I assume, since you can’t really measure shaft deformation while the turbo is assembled, means you’ve got tight spots when spinning it…), then it’s a throw away CHRA.

done and done… don’t waste your money on a damaged GT-‘R’ series turbo.