RHD Articles

Just searching around a bit and came across some really interesting articles discussing the subject of RHD cars in various provinces:

Vancouver / BC

Ontario Dealer Association contributes to this one:


Note as well that the guy that runs Sasha’s Hyundai Genesis team was the president of the ODA a couple years back…

Another one, this one backed by CADA. Mike Kent from Right Drive gets a fair bit of airtime here as well


This has been everywhere. We must have 10-20 different articles on file at the moment.
Its tiring keeping track of them all and rebutting when necessary.

Rumor we last got from someone inside senate was that they told CADA a ban will not happen.
They are just looking for some air time in order to build a larger audience at the moment.

to be honest, i would be surprised if they don’t do anything about it in the long term, and on more than just the cars but the half cuts and motorsets too.

it’s having a pretty significant impact on established niche markets that have strong associations.

case in point is the engine builders association. they published an article in a trade mag i get at work about the decline in people getting engines rebuilt and didnt really draw any conclusions about why… i was reading the thing thinking… Why would anyone pay to rebuild a motor when there are thousands of low mileage motors sitting in B-street importer shops for 1/4 of the price of a rebuild and next to no downtime… cash and carry with no tax

it also keeps older cars on the road longer having such easy access to cheap imported motorsets like that which is bad for new and used car sales as well as a counter-point to the whoel e-testing thingy.

i’m not for a ban, i’m just saying i’m surprised it hasnt happened yet and see it sort of as inevitable.