Ricer Rant

stfu noob, I’ll come up to kittanning and fuck your mouth

holy fucking shit! we can swear again

fuckity fuck fuck fuck…

Thank God this thread was useful for something.

:rofl: @ noah

no, you won’t. faggot.

sadly i think he would and would enjoy it as well:eek3:

where they hell is this kid…he hasnt posted in the last 15 pages.

too busy crying to his friends that pittspeed posted pictures of his fatass

your all a bunch of stupid fucking idiots. starting with the fat guy in the stupid camo jap piece of shit. buy american!

And you own a caddy, pot calling kettle black perhaps?


cadi’s are awesome… not.

but American.

hey u fucking faGGot jeff,where"s ur escort


you kicked it to many times, its totaled

Best damn sports show greastest pittspeed moments caught on film #1

First off Id like to say, the mustang is financed in my name, my parents have nothing to do financially with my car. Second off, I could care less if you call me out, you arent worth my time you piece of fucking shit. And third off, I have a exhaust on my car, so you can shove that comment up your beat asshole.

good thing it has stripes, now we know it’s fast

This is Nicole, Jeffs girlfriend. This is directed to the members of the “Hurtin Feelinz” car club. This all started with your fucking ricer fly by then you flash your fucking blinkers like you won, I wasnt even trying to race you, nor would I want to, your car is a piece of shit. Then you decided to drive like a fucking asshole so I high beamed you, woopdefuck, you didnt need to get your panties all in a bunch and ride by ass on the off ramp to get on to 51. By the way what kind of guy goes to see christmas lights with four other guy, thats fucking gay. I also dont appreciate you calling me a “whale” and saying “my car sags on the drivers side.” I am by no means a fucking whale. Tony needs to look in the mirror and maybe then he will see a whale. Also he needs to check out his fucking trashy girlfriends face it looks like she got smacked in the face with a two by four. This shit has gone to far. You all need to grow the fuck up, your suppose to be like 23 years old but you all act like your 10. So basically grow the fuck up and get a fucking life.