Ricer Rant

I’m tryin’ to join Hurtin’ Feelinz… I have a slow 4 cyl. car but I don’t mind revving and throwing the 4 ways… I think that meets the requirements?

maybe i can join. ill add a little flair to their group

did i punctuate ok guys???

Pics of said flair?

nicole, if you would of taken the time to look at the new members section you would see that the guy could only rev to 6k when he could go to 9.5k… so obviously you won the race…

Im prolly going to urinate on his car if I see it parked where I normally see it… so if you see a camo civic with urin stains its prolly his.



wow chris good job you found your true calling in life… ENGLISH TEACHER!

ha ha ha… NOT

Must be your upper lip.

I think that Fast04Gt, SlowNeon, and the chin guy should all race.

they should all die in a wild fire in California

They should race through a wild fire in California. Who needs painted on flames when you can have the real thing?

probably formed in america? lol old caddys–new caddys…WTF old hondas–new hondas. bas eball is popular in japan too.lol your an idiot.

After reading this comment its apparent you have no clue wtf your talking about. But I digress, its my own fault for thinking otherwise.

apparently you haven’t read it well. try reading slower and sound it out.

sometimes there is an insult hidden inside an insult.

Probably formed in japan?=probably formed in america. i will try to keep it simple and to the point from now on.

It certainly isn’t your upper lip, lolz

you’re still a twat tring to make a racecar out of a 4500lb car placed in the demographic of 65 year old retired people.

what the fuck did i miss? :rofl:

im in for a death race thru a wild fire lol

dude you got a civic! i can buy three of those for what mine costs. plus that retired people runs 15’s off the lot. curb weight: 3568lbs

Yeah, but his car is still faster than yours. Saying that you could have bought 3 of his for what yours costs just means that you made a stupid investment if you were looking for a fast car. Congratulations :tool: