Ricer Rant

my girlfriend had sent him a message on myspace…

"you need to learn how to drive… riding my ass and weaving in and out of traffic like 16 year old that just got his license and watched fast n the furious 28 times in row… "

ok i have a safe driving record get off ur phone and do the speed limit, but its ok it shows how adult you are by hunting down my myspace while sending dudes ur face shot you attack me hahahahah get a life im 23yrs old wand make 50k plus dont down grade me because my cars camouflauge, im an artist and my car is how i express my art with no other time because i work constantly unlike u i guess who goes on my space to find me hahahaha

“An artist HAHAHAHAHA Clean driving record HAHAHHAHA I can almost guarantee that you dont have one”

Ive never got a ticket sweetheart, you on the other hand i know u got something but go ahead the internet is a good tool look up my record then shut the hell up

:bowrofl: he doesnt even know who she is…

the way he drives he probably gets pulled over daily
But he’s an “artist” so I bet they cut him a break


Just wow…

I have seen this piece of **** on Maytide before as well.

Exactly whos Feelings are they Hurting… lol

Send him a link to the thread



factory stripes slutbucket noob… I can peel them off and shove them up your ass if you like?


:hsugh: who gives a fu ck if they are stock or not…at the end of the day it is a pile of poo neon that has ricer stripes and a fartcan.

The rest of the comeback is terrible…but it does entertain me so you get at least a point there.

link him the to thread! Personally I think he shares a resembalance to green/flatblackterror.

lol I’ll never win


lol and i beleive she sent him a link

I saw the first 2 pages of this thread and I feel nauseous.

Funny thing is even when the v6 was in there it was faster than your pile.

hahaa bics will never give up :rofl:

funny thing is, I would put $1000 up to prove you wrong. cuz its been done

Stock 98 v6 auto was 15.7, stock neon r/t 16.1.

Regardless, I upgraded. Now I even miss 3rd and stomp your ass.



i’ve seen stock peons run 15.0 ( once in a blue moon) but it does happen.

Ive never seen a v6 camaro run any faster then 15.5 at the track.
trust me, I’ve run v6 camaros on the street and had at least 5 car lengths on them.

you could have solved the problem with arguing with a neon owner on whos faster if you would have just grew some balls and bought a real sports car.

for christ sake argue with a neon :rofl: you should be arguing with a mustang GT

back in the 80s we called neons…the reliant K car

Omg are there srsly 14 second cars talking **** in here… Lol