Ricer Rant

sadly, i think you might be wrong. probably 15 or 16 seconds… but you make a good point.


With all the stars aligned and a 120 mph tailwind a neon runs a blazing fast 15.0 1/4…hahahaha wow that’s amazing.

Think about it…your racing stripes add 20 hp for each stripe…and the fartcan adds like 40 more hp. So that sweet racing machine has at least a whopping 200 hp now…

I thought this thread would be over by now. And you didn’t buy your car cause it said HI to you, you bought it cause of the racing stripes. :bluez28: You thought to yourself, sweet the stripes I always wanted are already on it. Saved you atleast $20 and added Horse power

I was giving them the benefit of the doubt… Thought maybe they had highly modified neons… LOL.

LOL@ faggot n00bie bashing a seasoned ‘oem’ ricer boy.

“it’s not my fault, it came with racing stripes on it…”


I laugh every time I read that bull****.

This camo honda ricer dude may have surpassed you this time though. He seams pretty serious.

I wouldn’t put the1sloR/T and the camo civic guy on the same level by any means. I don’t know him personally, but based on his posts, the1sloR/T knows what car he has and doesn’t talk big. He knows that his car is a neon and that it isn’t exceptionally fast. I think that he has done a good job with what he has, his car may not be fast, but that does not mean it is a POS.

No, it’s cool. I’m just kidding around here. But seriously, my neon beater was quite honestly the biggest pile of f-uck. I can’t imagine throwing racing stripes on it would make it better.

my car ran a 14.9 and has run many of 15.1

lol @ pics at VIP parking lot.

He’s one of those clowns, explains his behavior

LOL, Hes friends with this kid

Who one night after a meet down pittsburgh followed my buddy in his WRX from pittsburgh to almost Belle Vernon and tryed racing him the ENTIRE way. Revving on him at every light, about 6 or 7 “ricer fly bys”…I guess some people think that **** is cool?


DIAF homo.


Lets play nice, Im here to make friends, not argue with people.

Your already a tool to me, anyone that knows tray and acts like you already can kiss my ass.

I havent seen a fart can, but ya the stripes are about 18whp each

lol to tell the truth, I’ve had a neon before this, was super easy to work on and reliable so I got this one

truth. my car is by no means “fast” or “quick”. it is however a fun car to drive ( ask anyone that auto-x’s neons)
I consider “quick” 14.5 and under and “fast” 13.0 and under for a 4cyl

Typical pittspeeder right here:rolleyes::rolleyes:

More messages from myspace :rofl:

I appriciate u trying to bash me that doesn’t bother me if it should, pittspeed is a great orginization but u might wana tell the truth, u tried ****ing with me on rt.28 thinking oh its just a spray can honda but it actually belong to hondalowlow a member of pittspeed and for the most part a solidly built car that I have added extensive **** to along the way since owning it and u toyed with a car out of your range and when u tryed to pass me on 28 my car pulled u in 4th gear with 5 people in, so don’t get all butthurt if pittspeeds 240 passed me I wouldn’t spend my next 4 days abusing him on myspace its part of the clubs is toying around if u can’t handle it take the palmtree liscense plate off and don’t be in a club don’t start **** cause pittsburgh clubs have always got along I don’t wana see a problems arise cause some girl from tj and her boyfriend have a non vtec honda , oh by the way my gsr motor shifts at 8250rpm redline its a ****in honda why do u think the redline of hondas vtec is so popular so 6k in vtec is nothing learn ur cars and fnf is a horrable movie I have owned a 72 nova and a 86 monte ss so down throw the ricer **** my way,I love all cars

:bowrofl: as if we were trying to race him? :rofl: she had gotten pissed off as him doing ricer flybys so she went to pass him. at that point he cut her off…
pulled in 4th gear? :rofl: sounded like 8000rpm in 2nd at 60mph
so I guess if your in a “club” you should drive like an asshole and try to race people on their daily travels home? we laughed the whole drive home…
and he’s still trying to say how fast his car is… lol even if it is quick I wouldnt beleive that he did any more to it then the previous owner :v8killer:

he’s threatening my girlfriend also after she stopped messaging him. I guess because he cant think of any more excuses about how he drives like an asshole.

she just showed me this too…

but i have the goverment behind me and made a call and i can follow through with serious charges one being slanderous statements so drop it plus besides ur getting clowned on pittspeed also so ur only hurting yourself, just cut the childish bull****

:bowrofl: this is too funny. so I guess he’s an artist, racecar driver, a lawyer, and a secret government agent… damn… no wonder this kid has the money to buy and already built up civic…

sweetheart you posted my address my picture and my personal information you broke the law youll be hearing from someone tommorow, oh and by the way when i reved my motor it was at a friend infront of you the black civic if your so memorable at what happend he was infront of you, if anything happens to my car your done. my friends and father belong to the county of allegheny court systems so go ahead make your call you went to far and now youll pay for it. and pittspeed for letting personal information stay on theyre site

when didn any of us post his address? :rofl:
Is he serious?

Jeff king your a tool youve owned that car for 7yrs and done nothing. I can show you reciepts ive built mine from what it was ,but your to busy sitting around with your whale of a girlfriend trying to find me. First of i was a AirForce reservist not A SECRET AGENT DICK. and youll run your mouth till i see you in castle shannon or tj then i GARAUNTEE I GET ANOTHER STORY till then im done sit on the computer and feel like a tough guy when you know who really is hahahah peace

I might just have to stop by the Firestation and pay you a visit

youll probobly see me at your firestation soon, ill stop by and see how your story changes man. Stop acting like you dont know me with this kid **** ill have the lqast laugh you can stay a tough guy on the net