Ricer Rant

Ever here of a DICTIONARY? The Air Force taught you well. I give you till tonight before your banned so keep it up and get it all out of your system. Grow up and get a life/new car…

I might just have to stop by the Firestation and pay you a visit

youll probobly see me at your firestation soon, ill stop by and see how your story changes man.

So what are you planning on doing to him when you visit him at the firestation? Bake a cake? Compare methods for exfoliating your faces? Cry softly and ask to be comforted?

better hope he doesnt punch you in that chin

Does that little **** have audio 1 stickers on the windows?


LOL you could lose a hand . Maybe I could race him in my Fleetwood


Idk it was dark…

whale of a girlfriend?
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Nicole grad 3.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Nicole grad 3.jpg)


I think he actually meant a whale of a chin.

Dear god thats just gives ya the barf taste in your mouth.

I didn’t realize that was Jude’s old car. It was a better spray can camo job before.

Nice legs:eek2:

they aren’t like that anymore:hsugh:

what happened!?

well ya everyone has changed a little, look at me lol

you’ve always seen her in sweat pants. whale by no means tho
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Hatteras Lighthouse Me and Nicole small.JPG](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/Hatteras Lighthouse Me and Nicole small.JPG)

Its whats on the inside that counts?


Hi shaggy.

Last year i tried to get nicole to bite on anything rude i sent her on aim. :rofl: she just wasn’t going for it and played along. cool chick, id hit it :kekegay:

Ya, she’s a biter alright:slap:

blondes mistake dick for food. common occurrence.