ride atv's ?

don’t get the raptor 350. it’s based on the design of the older warrior 350, which wasn’t a good quad imo

I agree with JS. If the trails are in track condition, it’s worth a sportquad. However, the worse condition they get, the better off you are on a 4x4 sport/utility. I’ve been riding the “local” trails in my parents neighborhood on and off for all my life. Started on bicycle about the time older kids were starting to make trails with 3-wheelers and dirtbikes in the late 80’s. I’ve since taken over keeping good relationships with the locals and trying to maintain the trails. The local kids now, mostly have 4x4’s and a few have sport quads. The kids on the sport quads have torn it all up trying to make it through the tough spots, and have pissed off a lot of neighbors with their loud ass “Megaphone” exhausts. I to had a CR-250 for some years and it was loud and fun. However, it’s just not smart anymore. Everyone has a cellphone. If you piss them off, you don’t even know it. They call the cops and now you have issues. Not to mention, cops get a hard-on for the chance of catching someone on a “toy” that is unregi’ed and uninsured.

I’ve been riding the past couple of years on my Brute 750 and King Quad 300. They are the best setup for where I ride. If I stay in the neighborhood, and don’t do any road riding. I take the King 9 out of 10 times. It’s smaller, quieter, and doesn’t get nearly as hot at slow speed. I mod it with an 8” 12VDC fan from Walmart. Works wonders blowing on an air cooled single. Never overheats, rarely even gets hot by your legs. Either way, if I had to work a clutch at my slow speeds, it wouldn’t be fun. There are some fields, but like I said, you rip through them to often and you piss off the land owners. My average trail speed is from 5-10mph. Usually do 15-20 in the fields. The trails can get technical with downed trees, mud and other obstacles. Just the other weekend, I had to cross a rock wall (due to all the downed trees in the area) to get to a field. I put it in low, 4x4 and got off and walked it over the rock wall. Not sure how I would’ve done that on a clutched sport quad. The Brute does the same job. But in the summer, the heat can get overwhelming at such slow speeds. However, it’s great for the short jaunts down the road from trail to trail.

x3 ive never been stuck on any sport quad, you just have to “pin it to win it” in some spots. Get a sport quad, at least a 400. If you get a 4x4 for trailriding youll regret it. Theyre a pain in the ass to maneuver on tough trails and theyre heavy. My 400ex is light and agile, i can really rip through trails no problem. Ive been on some really gnarly trails too, still havent got stuck

Pin it to win it is what tears up the trails… Damn you kids. Haha. J/K I agree, 4x4’s are def heavier and not as manuverable or reponsive to body english. Typsie if you don’t lean right, as well. And the steering is usually pretty heavy and can wear on you after a long ride. What about all the sport quads without reverse though. I find I need reverse often in a few spots. 400ex’s are def. fun as hell, decently reliable too. Don’t know a ton about the 450’s, but I’ve heard they can be maintainance whore’s.

I ride on my own property(farm) or my friends farms so its not like were pissing off random people lol, actually dont really piss anyone off or ruin any trails. I only ruin trails when i take my truck out lol. But yes It would suck to not have reverse, my 400ex has reverse so i dont have that problem.

I’ve ridden for a long time and had time on a lot of different machines. I agree with Wayne, the sport quads are all around more fun and can be hard to get stuck if you know how to ride…

I currently have an almost stock yfz450 and it’s an awesome machine. But I am never home and travel for a living so I spend money keeping it from falling apart just sitting there. I miss riding every weekend.

Yfz450 is a bad ass machine!

quads suck.

Ive never been stuck too bad where a quick push didnt get it unstuck except the one time I got it buried in mud over the edge of a sand hill and it took a 4x4 to yank it out. It wouldve gotten stuck in that spot even if it was a 4x4 though.

sport all the way

if you kmow how to ride pjb haha

I still believe the 4x4 fits me best. But I’ve only ridden my trails once on a 440ex. It was fun, but was work, not to stall or get stuck. However, only 10% of the trails are a challenge. The rest I can ride on my crf-80.

I know I’m opening up a whole knew topic, but how many of you sport quader’s ride in the snow, and How do you do. I personally have climbed hills on my 3-wheeler with no chains in 6" of snow that 4x4’s couldn’t. How do you guys go.

Best of both worlds? 2008 Can-Am Renegade 500 http://albany.craigslist.org/rvs/3131686263.html

you’d never catch me on one!!!

Sport quads suck in the snow, rwd doesn’t help you any.

i rode my last sport quad all the time in the snow. drifting like a boss on trails. I found it was best to go out when there wasn’t quite enough snow for fagmobiles and it was hard packed. gave the best 3rd gear experience IMO.

A picture is worth 1000 words. Eat it 4x4fags.



that’s hard packed snow, and your sitting on plywood

i’m not against sport quads, i raced my yfz450 for a couple years and it was a beast. They are deffinately faster, more nible and can take to air like a bird in flight. But compared to the fun i would have on the track with my machine, nothing ever came close when it was off the track.

well the plywood doesn’t come with me off the jump and there’s none on the other side. The plywood was there to prevent tires digging in and going over the bars in the top of 3rd bottom of 4th as that would eat cocks. Much like riding any type of 4x4 atv. :rofl :rofl

just proved my point. without the plywood tires would dig in and you’d be over the bars=no fun in snow