bike or quad

I got my kids a honda xr50r a month or 2 ago. I need something to ride around with them. I will probably go out a good bit without the kids also. Which one is more fun all year long?

I was thinking quad so I could just put one kid on the quad with me while the other is riding the bike, but I guess I could do the same thing with a bike.

The only experience I have with a dirt bike is riding this little 50 around my yard and the only experience with a quad I have is, well, none.

buy my kx125 so i can get a 450r :slight_smile: id say go with the quad… you can putt around on the quad easier

quad. especially cause if your kid needs help cause he got stuck or falls over, you can just hop off the quad, rather than search for somewhere to put your bike. plus, bikes suck when its muddy/wet etc when you are just out tryin to have fun.




how big of a quad? I do not want a race quad, I like the 4x4 ones. I see a few in the 400cc range, is that big enough to get hurt on. :smiley:

my uncle has the Honda ranchers and i liove riding them, there pretty bad ass, they just about anywhere …push button shift or it can be a automatic, push button 4 wheel, speedo, EBS…i think the newer ones are 400 or 450s

my neighbor has a new yamaha grizzly 660, that’s pretty damn cool. I see that artic cat has a 1000cc quad, maybe I should look into that for a first quad. :smiley:

i guess ur idea is Bigger is better ? lol

Outlander 800 will burn tire pretty far down the street from what I hear

I would get a 4x4, more practical for around here. I would buy something bigger than a 400, but… you dont NEED something bigger than a 400. My bro had a 450 Yamaha Kodiak, it was defiantly good enough.


I really just want something to play around in the woods with, I don’t want to get stuck every 15 minutes, but I don’t need something that will tow a house.

I would say stick with any Honda or Yamaha… not really a fan of Kawasaki or Suzuki 4x4’s unless you get the Brute Force Kawasaki

that’s what I have heard also. And my neighbor works for Millers yamaha, so that kinda makes me think a yamaha is what I will end up getting.

Whos your neighbor? Fred?


Do you know him?

i got a buddy that works for millers too

I go riding with him every weekend… he is a piece of work! See you definatly need to get a 4x4 quad now… u must come with us on Sundays… its a BLAST.

He keeps asking me if I want to go, but it never seems to work out. I will have to make time one of these weekends.

Yeah, we go basically every Sunday, we even went yesterday… cold doesnt matter, as long as its not poring down rain, were always there. When I get back to the shop, ill post some pics of the rides we go on.

do you have a spare seat in the rhino for next weekend :x: