Ride your bike for pleasure or all the time?

I was just curious, i know some guys just ride there bikes for a fun day out and others, like me, will ride there bike every day this summer except for when its raining.

As often as possible. 65/week in gas for the truck or 20/week for the bike

im getting mine on thursday but when i have it im gonna ride it as much as possible

a lot, but probably 50/50 with the car

ill ride it to school, hardly to work

more of a weekend warrior/enjoyable type of deal

speaking of which, im leaving now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

during the summer, i’m on the bike unless I need groceries or it’s raining. It’s more fun, better on gas, and I’m so used to it that it isn’t uncomfortable.

Only vehicle I own that runs and drives so every day for me.

i ride this bitch every chance I get

to be honest, in the summer the only time I drive is when I do laundry or go to hockey. rode to north buff last night, then back to essex then home.

all about teh bicycle.

I find I still ride my bicycle for short jaunts, motorcycle for anything else as long as I dont need trunk space and it’s nice out. Car gets utility use.

im out as much as possible, but I do try to avoid rain if possible sometimes its not but whatever

my bike has over 1200 miles already. i ride as much as possible, as long as its not way to cold.

Ride the bike all day, then usually at night, get the car and cruise to mighty.

bike every chance i get. i put 6500 miles on my bike in 4 months

Casual rider here

We know what we’re doing.


before my sone was born i put 32,000 miles on my old r6 in 2 seasons…now i get to ride after the old lady falls asleep…woman have jealesy issues with motorcycles