Rifle Guys, Boom boom bang bang.

Good stuff, I was actually leaning towards bolt action as it was anyway.

So revised question: can anyone recommend me a good bolt action rifle for the money? By that I mean I’d like something reliable and pretty accurate, but I wouldn’t want to spend twice as much just to get the ‘absolute best’. I’m ok with second best if the price is right.

It’s spreading bullshit like this that paints the legit gun owner as the crazy person and gives “ammo” to the anti-gun lobby to get these laws passed. We’ve been over it before, there is nothing sinister or scary about this ammo purchase.



Not to mention that each quarter, all Federal LEO need to re-certify with their pistols, meaning 50 rounds per person, every 3 months. Take that out of the practice pile, and you’re left with a lot less ammo to practice with!

I lol every time someone brings that up.
50 rounds is a low estimate too.

Yeah, I can’t speak for DHS, but I know DOJ has a 50 round pistol test quarterly, in addition to however many are used in the shotgun qualifier.

Whos the FFL guy everyone is using

Where are you?

west seneca

Craiglows gun shop on berg rd.

so much for this being a thread about maxwell’s gun purchase…LOL

Thread retitle: Boom boom bang bang

Better? lol

590a1 in stock @ buds $500

They’ve been going for that on gun broker for weeks now. The same one but with ghost rings for the same price.

So the 590a1 is supposed to come with the ghost rings

I think the stock photo on buds is wrong

Yep, and so much for holding out for a FTF purchase with tax return. LOL

There are a few variations of the 590a1.

I told you so.

Sorry. I had to.

So I thought the variations all had a unique name…

I will double check

yeah, yeah.