Buy now, discuss later.
This for sure.
I bought the last bushmaster with MOE bits they had in stock at impactguns.com
Going to be shipping it to my FFL in a couple weeks.
Welcome to the club.
Good timing, Paul :tup:
Whelp… you’re now on the radar.
What upper is that?
Welp, radar or not, i’m a decent, sane American. Now’s the time to buy a gun before the crazies take that right away from us, and then we are left completely defenseless.
Just get an AK. They seem to be more in your budget for what you want to spend for quality.
Not a fan of the gun I purchased?
Better nab some ammo like today, Most available .223 ammo is around $400/1K now, compared to just $300 months ago.
Same shit happened last mass shooting.i don’t for see scare pricing lasting. Jt76 went to bgc today. they are only selling ar15s with stupid accessories.
Grabbed 500 rds of XM193 for $220 locally. I bet that price has already inched (rocketed?) skyward.
It will be interesting to see, and if you knew the answer you can make a lot of money in a short time… I know my 401k isn’t doing as well as my ammo
History shows that ammo has never really fallen after hikes.
I purchased online a day before the shooting. Ironic. Now everythings gone.
I bought another lower on Friday.
I have a friend who states he is working on getting m855 ammo for 310 per 1k rounds. I guess he needs 10k + to get that price.
lake city green tip? I’d be in for 3k @ $310/1k…
It’ll pierce a metal helmet at 500M+