Right Hand Drive '69 Barracuda

Oh dear Tom people will think I’ve gone soft, still middle aged parenthood is a bizarre thing to say the least…
Hum today’s the day for getting the back wheels on and dropping the car down on it’s wheels to see if the axle is in the correct location.
Next we have to fabricate the new frame connectors to tie those new front spring boxes to the front torsion bar mounts.
I think it should all work out ok and that 2x3 tube is 11 gauge mild steel so I’m not anticipating much flex- tee hee.
I can buy and ‘off the shelf’ torque flite tranny for this motor and then sell both motor and trans off once the turbo lump is finished.
Convential drag theory would say that 3.54 gears and a 30" tall tire wouldn’t work- but that’s because they have 8" 5000RPM stall converters and tall slicks. Wait 'til that Procharger kicks in, the damned thing’s as big as Honda engine…
Ah another mad scheme comes together finally, thanks for posting the pics Tom, much appreciated.