RIP - Christian "WHT RICE" Dereu :( 3-9-11

That’s sudden.

Rip indeed.

He was quite the character online. ::frowning:

Was just talking to my friend tonight about this. I guess him and white rice were good friends. Sucks for sure


was this guy a shift member orr??

Christian will be missed…

Hes an original allstar graphics/ i hate stickers guy and a good friend…

RIP OG team one buddy

Damn man that sucks. From what I’ve seen he was a good guy, and an asset to the car scene in upstate/central NY. RIP.

That sucks to hear. RIP

Christian was good guy with a great sense of humor, had a lot of fun with him whenever we hungout with the Rochester/TM crew. Definitely will be missed. Knowing him he is do wheelies and drifting in a better place now!

R.I.P. buddy.

whoever was a friend of his, sorry for your loss.

Not a Shift member, but like Cossey said he was a part of upstate/central NY car scene, he was also a VERY good friend of Mike Centola (on here)who runs Ihatestickers.

good kid, funny as hell. He gonna be missed by a lot of people.

Didnt know him but a fellow car guy is a fellow car guy :frowning:

sucks to loose him, if you have been in the car scene for a long time you probably have met him/seen him around…i’ll never forget him getting kicked out for doing burnouts at the syracuse fair ground in a two foot puddle, changing his clothes and coming back in. i’ll deff miss the kid.



Can’t say I know him, but 28 is way too young to go.



Chris was a good dude i was lucky enough to meet him a few times at shows. Def a big loss to the car community.


Christian was a good guy, he had his problems with certain people like everyone else does, but was a huge kid at heart and only wanted to have fun, and play with cars all day. Such a sad thing to hear about as i’ve know him for the better part of 5 years now and just saw him in January out in Rochester at a gun show. The sudden loss due to, what seems like a minor mistake is quite a sad story indeed

RIP you’ll be remembered

Damn this defiantly sucks. I know I hung out with him the few times I went out to Rochester and at one of the syracuse shows as well. Good kid, sad to see him go so young.
Rest in Peace