RIP Ryan Quigley (some of you know him)

:frowning: this makes me pretty sad. He was a nice kid from what I could tell, really respectful and cool about everything (even getting beat by a white van). You obviously knew him much better than the rest of us, so I know it must feel worse for you. Sorry for your loss, Trav. Hit me up if you need anything.

never met the guy, but RIP anyways.

FUNNY AS FUCK vid of me, him, and Tom Hurley


So is this where the rest of us can come in and say what a fuckin douchebag…lost control of his car and killed him and someone else…fuckin kid got what he deserved…prolly out racing around and now he killed someone just like the kid in amsterdam…

So we can all come here n bash him right?

Go for it,

I was with him in the car the night he raced the duramax van… And I raced him once in the g8… Good kid but sometimes the racing and speeding takes some of us, could have been any of us im sure. Who here doesnt ever go fast enough to kill people?

All of us (if not most) have something in common, we like cars and we like speed.

I’m not going to argue (we’re assuming) that drunk driving and excess speed took his life, but nothing is official yet, so please don’t create drama before there is at least an official explanation.

Really? Like before anything was official on my friend people caused drama…so that was ok right?

Just goes to show reality and how people dont want shit done to them yet there quick to do to others

This is a little different, people actually witnessed what happened with your friend. Im not taking sides.

Heres what I think (not like it matters) but people can go on whichever side of the fence they want. When the truth comes out and the dust settles one side will look stupid.

Ex. We make fun of this kid for driving like a retard possibly drunk. then the truth comes out and someone ran him off the road or he was about to be hit so he tried to react and the outcome was’nt what one would want.

The people who said ahhh hes a retard he was driving drunk acting like an idiot look like idiots.

Slowgto, I dont know you and this is no attempt to talk shit, but in your case the truth came out and it matched all the shit people were saying about.

Either way its unfortunate that these type of things happen and people will say what they want. In a perfect world a death will not be part of a joke, but this isnt a perfect world obviously.

no see the real point here is when someones friends or relatives get killed maybe people should just shut up about it and let people deal with what they have to instead of coming on fucking shift518 and try to make a spectical out of everything…i am in no way goin at this kid…i simply said is this where we can come in and bash him like the rest of the jerk offs on here did to the kid in amsterdam and my friend…

i think when it comes to death reguardless of how it happens it shouldnt be made into a laughing matter…i feel bad for this kid…i think about that shit everyday i get in my car or on my bike…what if this is the day…its fuckin scary we all fuck around and do dumb shit…no need to come on here and try to make the people who are suffering already over a death feel even worse or possibly spark shit to cause real issues…

thats my point…

oh and travis even if it comes back that the kid was drunk and speeding…im not coming on here and bash him…this isnt the way i need to live my life and make myself feel better by others misfortune

Chad, that was legitimately the most clear and well thought out post on this type of situation that I have ever seen. Rep will be given.

@ slowgto go ahead dude say what you wanna say , it’s been said it’s probably due to drinking and speeding , not hard to believe

I knew the kid , he most likely made a bad choice and met some bad luck and this is the result

I’ve came so close to killing myself driving too fast down twisty back roads and very close to killing myself on a bike a few times

so honestly it’s no different for him , he came more than close and he died

that could be me tonight , who knows

I won’t get offended by what you say because you never met him and you can say whatever is in your head that’s fine

You make a point but like I said thats not the way shit happens in the world… Im the same way you are.

I wouldnt fight it I would just simply ignore, people will say what they want.

Fully understand your points as well. Sucks anytime someone loses their life, we shouldn’t start shit over their cause of death etc.

ya u can’t get mad at what people say if you’re friend did some stupid fucking shit, who are you to say otherwise ?

the dude was such a chill person and he partied as hard if not harder than the rest of us

it’s bad luck , just like getting tazzed to death

it sucks but wtf can you say to the random people ? nothing just let them be


well u would think that most people being we are all in this car world in upstate ny together wouldnt wanna have dumb shit between everyone and would respect the passing of a friend,family member or what not…if i went to the lot with all the muscle cars and they knew my friend died…reguardless of what he did or how stupid he was for what he did no one would ever disrespect me…i guess i just gave this site alittle more credit then i should have…i knew people were d bags on here but most seemed to be just little childish shit back and forth…when my buddy died i learned a huge lesson about people on here…

i just hope they dont go at this kid if it does come back to speeding and drinking like they did to my friend…

so on that note…travis or anyone else here who was friends with this kid…im sorry u lost your friend…god speed

Thanks man. Regardless of the cause, I’m sorry you lost a friend earlier this year. I know what you went (and may still be going through).

Same here. I am sorry for what you are going through, both Travis and Greg. I know I can say stupid shit to be funny and I’m often distasteful in that regard but I really feel for you guys. We can all be assholes from time to time, we have to try and remember that someones passing is a really serious matter.

Sorry if I got too sentimental ITT, its just the grown-up part of me being real.

I have to agree with gregg on his point , if it wasn’t Travis that posted this and someother person did poking fun at it . Most members would be tearing him apart till Travis came in saying he was a friend and most calmed down . It just shows that people don’t care about circumstances and just go on here say . Personally if he was drunk and killed a friend he isn’t any better than the kid that killed another in the mustang . Travis I’m sorry he was your friend and he passed but let’s be honest if u didn’t know him you would also be thinking the same thing .