RIP, The DLP...

I just found out today that another friend/customer/Member of the PITTspeed Community died on Sunday,

here is his New members post

Such a shame, only 20yo. with a long life ahead of him. He was such a happy, goofy kid. Cant believe the demons got the best of him.

Dave will be missed.

What happened to him?

sorry to hear that… noone deserves to die that young.

Sorry to hear…I actually remember when he joined, because of his clean 240sx.

Chaz…what do you mean by “demons”

Dave had been having problems from what i was told by a very close friend of his. Although he never indicated he would choose his own time, he did.

He parked the 240 in a large construction yard in millvale, placed a hose in the tail pipe, and locked himself inside.

He did not leave a note that i heard of, and I dont know about how long he was there before being found, All I know is the car was still running when a couple on ATV’s came across him.

I know Suicide sounds retarded to alot of people, but i also understand that when the thoughts start coming, its no longer part of your decisions, and goes into a place that you yourself actually have no control over.

Man that’s rough. A 20 yr old should not have enough problems to contemplate suicide.

sad to hear. least he did so he could have an open coffin for his family

you would be damn surprised.

i didn’t realize he was a pittspeed member, his family picked the car up the other day… sad

wow that is really sad

Nonsense. Nothing can be bad enough to get the best of you that you wanna end your own life. Nothing I can even imagine.

None the less, sorry to hear.

Damn. Such a shame. So young.

My prayers go out to his family. It’s rough losing someone young.

Very sad. Prayers to him and his family.

I lost two friends to suicide in my early twenties, and it’s especially rough on the families. My condolences to the family.
It’s a shame to lose anyone, no matter the circumstances.

what a wate of a young life. i wish his family the best of luck through this. my friend in high school did it, and it was terrible.

wow very sad. Prayers go out to his family. What a shame. :frowning:


sorry to hear

you would be suprised.

still sorry to hear RIP