RIP :(

As much as I hate the media and think their reporting on most stories is terribly biased, this time I don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. Any time 5 kids who just graduated from the same school all die in a horrific car crash, it’s going to be news.

They probably shouldn’t have reported that the driver had a restricted license without first checking if she had taken driver’s ed, which removes the restrictions.

EDIT: Maybe not if they were emo goth kids, because no one cares about kids who won’t do anything more than work at McDonalds the rest of their life.


It’s only tragic cause they were cute girls.

If they were ugly, or “outcasts”, it’d be a sidebar note in the news.


I semi-disagree.

I think it’s big news because of what JayS just mentioned above me… PLUS the fact that it’s much more tragic when you have a group of young people that are so full of life (cheerleaders), up spirited, and at a momentous point in life to celebrate the start of a future. (i.e. graduation)

Had this been a group of emo-like goth kids, who dropped out of highschool, showed no promise of a future, hated life in general… even you would develope a “well, who cares” attitude…

I think it had more to do with lifestyle over looks. I thought it was a sad story before even seeing pictures.

This event could have only been sadder if a trailer of orphan bunnies had been towed behind.

my $.02

Girl was sending text mesages while driving.

I believe there as a text sent 30-some seconds before the 911 call came in.

She killed all her friends with her stupidity.


Girl was sending text mesages while driving.

I believe there as a text sent 30-some seconds before the 911 call came in.

She killed all her friends with her stupidity.


No way to prove who was doing the texting…


I think it came down to that she tried to pass the car. The being a dick sped up causing the girl to really hammer her SUV to get around him since she might have then seen the truck coming.


I do that. (Not if there is a vehicle coming, I’m not that mean) You try to pass me on a double bar and that’s what you get. I hate people who are in a goddamn hurry.

Driving 40 mph in a 55mph zone is not illegal. Passing on a double bar or making an ‘unsafe lane change’ is.

That being said I think people just need to be more careful when passing on two lane roads. I’m afraid many people (young & old, boy & girl, really doesn’t matter) have made it a habit of driving around people left & right. Passing needs to be done with caution, personally I don’t like it and do it very often. I don’t even like passing on the bike.

Anyhow, its widely believed and statistically proven that teenagers are inexperienced and lousy drivers. So as I see it to prevent this:

-Teach your teen how to drive. If the parent/guardian drives like a teen they need to learn how to drive first.

-Don’t let your teen haul around a whole carload of teens. Too much talking/texting/fucking around to distract the driver.

-Don’t let your teen be part of a carload of teens chauffered by another teen.

So yeah it’s sad, but as more cars and more youngins are on the road this won’t happen any less frequently.

And I agree that the media sucks. If a carload of 26 year old engineers died it wouldn’t be as big of a deal.


And I agree that the media sucks. If a carload of 26 year old engineers died it wouldn’t be as big of a deal.


:word: it would have never made the news


Girl was sending text mesages while driving.

I believe there as a text sent 30-some seconds before the 911 call came in.

She killed all her friends with her stupidity.


If you honestly believe she pulled out into the oncoming lane and while hanging out there passing a van decided to send a text message, just end yourself now.

That’s just more BS of NY cops and media trying to blame everything on cell phones. She might have been texting before, but I don’t know anyone crazy enough to try texting while passing a car and driving in the oncoming lane. More than likely someone else in the car was using her phone.

It still comes down to bad driving yes, but trying to link it to text messaging is retarded. Place the blame where it belongs; on the fact that in this country we give kids licenses with almost no real training on how to actually drive a car.

last I knew a Ford Taurus wasnt a van


I semi-disagree.

I think it’s big news because of what JayS just mentioned above me… PLUS the fact that it’s much more tragic when you have a group of young people that are so full of life (cheerleaders), up spirited, and at a momentous point in life to celebrate the start of a future. (i.e. graduation)

Had this been a group of emo-like goth kids, who dropped out of highschool, showed no promise of a future, hated life in general… even you would develope a “well, who cares” attitude…

I think it had more to do with lifestyle over looks. I thought it was a sad story before even seeing pictures.

This event could have only been sadder if a trailer of orphan bunnies had been towed behind.

my $.02


well put. Agreed


last I knew a Ford Taurus wasnt a van


Where did you get Ford Taurus? The news has been reporting they were passing a van from day 1.


Place the blame where it belongs; on the fact that in this country we give kids licenses with almost no real training on how to actually drive a car.


This is SO fucking painfully true its absolutely ridiculous.

They pass laws for fucking cell phones, blame speed for the accidents yet do NOTHING to teach kids how to really drive.

btw “Drivers Ed” is a retards crash course on how to get in a car, start it, and get it rolling. It doesnt teach shit about actual driving ability and etiquette.

what a joke:gtfo:


That’s just more BS of NY cops and media trying to blame everything on cell phones. She might have been texting before, but I don’t know anyone crazy enough to try texting while passing a car and driving in the oncoming lane. More than likely someone else in the car was using her phone.

It still comes down to bad driving yes, but trying to link it to text messaging is retarded. Place the blame where it belongs; on the fact that in this country we give kids licenses with almost no real training on how to actually drive a car.


But inst texting while driving an example of inadequate driver training?


Looking down to see the keys is a very probably cause for what happened. Im not suggest that is what happened but she could have clearly drifted over the line while looking down at her phone.

Or she wasn’t the one using her phone… the paper stated texts at:
10:05:52 - sent
10:06:29 - received text
10:07:07 - first 911 call.

But no proof of who texted.

Hah, you guys don’t believe that a girl could’ve been texting while passing? Seriously, have you ever seena teenage girl with their cellphone? They are CONSTANTLY texting, and I have seen broads texting and driving and doing tons of dumb shit before.

:picard: :deadhorse: RIP to the girls. end thread.


Where did you get Ford Taurus? The news has been reporting they were passing a van from day 1.


Front page of the Democrat and Chronicle. It was a 21 year old kid driving a Ford Taurus with a 17 year old girl as passenger. They slowed down and veered to the right to allow the girls the pass. But anyway the girl that was the passenger was the one that called 911 at 10:07…

The girl in the second car reported from day one that she called the girls cell phone but a passenger in the front car answered.

Right now, they are just looking to find a blame, mostly pressured by lawyers who are looking to make money on such a tragedy.

agian this happens every year… it sucks… but nothing will stop it from happening again next year

My gf was telling me about this when it happened. Sorry to hear.