RIP :(


Hmm… three other high-schoolers from Churchville-Chili died in a single-car crash here over the Memorial Day weekend & got less press about it.

And regardless, as Goodman was under 18, she shouldn’t have had four others in the car with her. People still don’t realize this requirement in NY law - especially since having multiple teenagers in a vehicle is known to increase the probability of having a crash. Not to say if this was a part of it - but I’m sure it contributed.

Still, condolances to all involved.


Yeah, I was wondering why this one got SO much more press coverage.



Is it bad that when this page loaded, “Life Is A Highway” is her background music?



<—going to hell for laughing.


Their SUV tried to pass a vehicle who tried to speed up and not let the girls car over.


Whoa whoa, who said this?


Their SUV tried to pass a vehicle who tried to speed up and not let the girls car over.


what a piece of shit

i go to college with a bunch of ppl who knew them from highschool…

thoughts and prayers are deff with their families…and all of the fairport community!

rip girls! <3

From the article.

Police: No indication the van the teens’ car passed did anything wrong

Nudes ? Bad bad me

Maybe I’m just a cynical bastard, but the most tragic part of this in my eyes is that the driver took 4 innocent lives with her when she fucked around and fucked up. You don’t pass on a 2 lane road at night when you have other lives in the car with you. When you’re the driver you have a huge responsibility to the others in the car with you. But I probably didn’t have much of a grasp of that when I was 18. And who knows how close to the truth the news articles are anyways.

Regardless. Horrible. :tdown:


You don’t pass on a 2 lane road at night when you have other lives in the car with you.


The artice on CNN said the van was going 40mph. 40mph in a 55 zone, on a clear night with probably very little traffic. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t make that pass, regardless of who you had with you in the the vehicle.

To put it another way, when I was 16 and in drivers ed, my drivers ed instructor actually allowed me to make a very similar pass. We caught up to an old POS truck, going 40 in a 55, on a 2 lane road. A licensed driving instructor even felt that pass was reasonable, with a 16 year old driver, and 4 other young passengers. Sure, it wasn’t night, but if it’s a passing zone that shouldn’t matter. Hell, it’s easier to see a car coming in the oncoming lane at night because you see the headlights long before you can see the car, even if it’s around a bend or over a hill.

It’s not like she plowed into the semi while next to the van. She got past the van, then did something to really fuck up and end up swerving back into the oncoming lane. My guess is she went too far right, caught the shoulder a little bit, then massively overcorrected.

So to say it again, a tragic noob driver mistake, same as what happens 1000’s of times each year. It’s why noob drivers aren’t allowed to be driving at 10pm with 4 of their young friends.

I just want to point something out:
When she was passing the van,she had to know that semi was coming.(seeing headlights) Because if she over corrected, that semi had to be pretty darn close for her to hit it head on. You have to figure the speed she was going, and the speed the semi was going. She most likely would have over corrected because she had to go fast to pass the van and make it back over before the semi got to them.

Anyone see where I am coming from? :gotme:

I think she may have misjudged her timing and realized it half way past the van and then sped up to pass…

I think it came down to that she tried to pass the car. The being a dick sped up causing the girl to really hammer her SUV to get around him since she might have then seen the truck coming. When she swerved over she was most likley going 70-80mph causing her to lose control and back into oncoming traffic.

either way, its sad.


The artice on CNN said the van was going 40mph. 40mph in a 55 zone, on a clear night with probably very little traffic. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t make that pass, regardless of who you had with you in the the vehicle.

To put it another way, when I was 16 and in drivers ed, my drivers ed instructor actually allowed me to make a very similar pass. We caught up to an old POS truck, going 40 in a 55, on a 2 lane road. A licensed driving instructor even felt that pass was reasonable, with a 16 year old driver, and 4 other young passengers. Sure, it wasn’t night, but if it’s a passing zone that shouldn’t matter. Hell, it’s easier to see a car coming in the oncoming lane at night because you see the headlights long before you can see the car, even if it’s around a bend or over a hill.

It’s not like she plowed into the semi while next to the van. She got past the van, then did something to really fuck up and end up swerving back into the oncoming lane. My guess is she went too far right, caught the shoulder a little bit, then massively overcorrected.

So to say it again, a tragic noob driver mistake, same as what happens 1000’s of times each year. It’s why noob drivers aren’t allowed to be driving at 10pm with 4 of their young friends.


I’ve been past that section of road - and the passing lane heading eastbound is maybe 1/4 mile long. It’s also just coming off an easy curve to the left - so it’s reasonable that she didn’t see / misjudged the truck.

So it’s a combination - new driver in unfamiliar vehicle (it was her parents), dark night and (I’m sure there was) a “rush to get to the cabin” mentality that led to the crash.

this is really sad. i’m assuming no drugs and alcohol were involved? it really could have been avoided.


It’s why noob drivers aren’t allowed to be driving at 10pm with 4 of their young friends.


Sadly, thats what this really comes down to. They should have never been on the road in the first place


this is really sad. i’m assuming no drugs and alcohol were involved? it really could have been avoided.


Yea. They were not drinking or doing drugs. Just new drivers in a SUV that is their parents with 4 other people.

Just poor driving experience. Sad way to learn a lesson.

The family released a statement saying the driver had completed driver’s ed at Fairport Highschool, which means she was qualified for an unrestricted license.

:tdown: that super sucks!


The artice on CNN said the van was going 40mph. 40mph in a 55 zone, on a clear night with probably very little traffic. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t make that pass, regardless of who you had with you in the the vehicle.


Very true, people routinely hit 65-70+ on that road, I would know I drive on it all the time going down to the lake. Like I said on roclife I’ve seen all sorts of people make incredibly stupid passes on that road throughout the years. I would imagine the girl didn’t give herself enough time to pass or something either way she should have been more careful.

Regardless it’s very sad, watching the special about it on the news the other night was terrible :frowning:

It’s only tragic cause they were cute girls.

If they were ugly, or “outcasts”, it’d be a sidebar note in the news.