RIP :(

A friend of mine just sent me this. So beautiful, so sad.

RIP Sara

Here are some facebook groups dedicated to the girls:

I wonder if it was a carload of ugly goth kids, if the media response would be the same…

Either way though, +++ vibes to the families.

Edit - Not trying to be disrepectful, but so many die on the roads each day…It pisses me off that the media decides to take a story and run with it because it’s one of those “tragic” stories.

:frowning: this is very sad…especially people so young

Here is another one.



It pisses me off that the media decides to take a story and run with it because it’s one of those “tragic” stories.


see above:


if it bleeds it leads.


PS, can we stop with the myspace / facebook bullshit links? People think I can be insensitive… but maybe I missed the “Social Networking” thing … but to me that seems like the most “OMG, I … like, have SO MANY friends! Look at me!” kind of BS and isn’t even close to appropriate as a response to this kind of situation. shrugs I’m getting to be an old cranky fucker I guess.


see above:

PS, can we stop with the myspace / facebook bullshit links? People think I can be insensitive… but maybe I missed the “Social Networking” thing … but to me that seems like the most “OMG, I … like, have SO MANY friends! Look at me!” kind of BS and isn’t even close to appropriate as a response to this kind of situation. shrugs I’m getting to be an old cranky fucker I guess.


You do realize the links that have been posted are of the girls who died and also groups in memory of them. Not someone trying to get friends douchebag.


I’m getting to be an old cranky fucker



i am going to stay out of this thread because it will get bad. but i’m with moffit and bigairskier on this…

I do realize it. But why seek that out / post it / … nevermind. You’re right. I don’t get it. I’m a douchebag. Yep, that’s it… carry on then.


Very sad, but not a shock. The #1 killer of teens is auto accidents. Way too much confidence and way too little experience. Keep this thread in mind when you’re out there driving past your limit.

Terrible, RIP to those who passed away.

Some of us get lucky, like someone already said cherish every moment

This kind of thing happens every year…

^ truth

I feel very bad for the families of these kids. I think a lot of us are thinking that perhaps alcohol could have been involved mixed with driver inexperience and perhaps a little bit of recklessness. Ofcourse I don’t think this is how they should have learned their lesson and its truly sad for all of the passengers. Young kids make stupid mistakes and unfortunatly this one cost many lives. RIP


I wonder if it was a carload of ugly goth kids, if the media response would be the same…

Either way though, +++ vibes to the families.

Edit - Not trying to be disrepectful, but so many die on the roads each day…It pisses me off that the media decides to take a story and run with it because it’s one of those “tragic” stories.


Hmm… three other high-schoolers from Churchville-Chili died in a single-car crash here over the Memorial Day weekend & got less press about it.

And regardless, as Goodman was under 18, she shouldn’t have had four others in the car with her. People still don’t realize this requirement in NY law - especially since having multiple teenagers in a vehicle is known to increase the probability of having a crash. Not to say if this was a part of it - but I’m sure it contributed.

Still, condolances to all involved.


Hmm… three other high-schoolers from Churchville-Chili died in a single-car crash here over the Memorial Day weekend & got less press about it.

And regardless, as Goodman was under 18, she shouldn’t have had four others in the car with her. People still don’t realize this requirement in NY law - especially since having multiple teenagers in a vehicle is known to increase the probability of having a crash. Not to say if this was a part of it - but I’m sure it contributed.

Still, condolances to all involved.



That’s 3 :word:'s for you.


Here is another one.


Is it bad that when this page loaded, “Life Is A Highway” is her background music?