risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

pillaging another poor bastard :smiley:

Alot of one night stands happening in sureshot’s town!!

I wonder if there’s an option for birth control or abortion clinic???

damm my one slinger got killed, weak bastard. Probably to drunk to know wtf he was doing

i checked their forum, they said to creat a new email through a different provider. I did and it worked well.

haha this made me lol.

right on, update us with your info once you get set

I need some crystal, can anyone help me out?

add me to the list. I’ll check the game out :slight_smile:

Server: Lambda
Player: cleanbaldy
Island: Alditia
Town: Clean Baldy
X,Y: 74, 40


server: Lamba
player: somedude
island: hacios
town: somedude


edit: mineral sulphur

my world is iota does that mater?

ok, Tevenor… it’s saying that your goods wont arrive until about 8-9 tonight. just a heads up… it’s going to take a little time to get there

yeah, you’re on the wrong sever/world. we’re all on Lambda (you can choose when registering which world you want to play in)


Anyone know what the palm trees next to someone town name means??

hmm are you on the lambda server or a different one? I’m not seeing your town on hacios
hacios is empty

ok i have a new account now. I will play both for the time being since I have a day in the other one already.

server: Lamba
player: somedude
island: Maendaos
town: somedude


FuzzyFish = -FuzzyFish-
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Lubios(61:78)
Town = Fishopolis?

I believe that they’re on vacation?

Sulphur is a good island to be on. There’s one sulphur for every 2 other islands. I see a guy around me selling it for 60 gold per unit.

stevil how much crystal do you want