road block off 400

Just figured I would give everyone a heads up they have a roadblock up at the seneca st ramp of the 400S

they were there this morning at 8 am and are still there now

They are just checking inspections and regs.

FUCK THE MAN…im crashing it


JESUS, they were there this morning at 7am and they are still there?! :bloated:

Do they also have it on the exit portion of the Seneca st. ramp? I like doing drive bys at events like this but prefer to not be pulled over…

its right before the light,

man its so anoying, its troopers too not even the West seneca police, they got me a lil while back for having an expired Reg sticker and then i pulled the new one out of my glove box bc i forgot to put it on and got a ticket for having 2 Reg stickers

that’s real shitty.

yea it sure is

I love how these fuckers can justify wasting everyones time looking for BS violations like inspections and registrations. Why is it illegal for a cop to pull a person over without a valid reason, yet they can set up a roadblock and pull EVERYONE over and waste their time? I’ve sat at these things for over an hour before. I usually just turn around, let 'em chase me!

they seemed to be there alot, i went thru there, not even knowing, no front plate, no lap belt (autp shoulder belt) and driving barefoot, and i had an old reg on, they were just lookingh at inspection and didnt hit me for anything else

they are there all the time. i live around the corner from there. it’s funny though because i didn’t see them there this morning when i went to school at 9 am. but i saw them at 1:30 when i was going to work this afternoon. i don’t know how i haven’t gotten stopped yet. they are just never there when i go through there.

word. seriously i must have seen them at least 8 or 9 times since march/ end of last winter

I have never understood this either. I’m glad all of my stickers are up-to-date.

LOL I don’t have a valid inspection on ANY of my cars. They’re overrated anyways.