Road Test.


After moving to California, I went to go and switch my license over. Well, when i got to the DMV first they said i had to take the written test again. I was like wow, dumb. Then, they said i needed my birth certificate, LAME. So i had it sent to me, then went back today and finally took my tests. 36 questions for the automobile test, and 25 questions for the motorcycle test. Suprisingly, the whole bullshit process only cost $26. With all that said, I’m legally licensed in California now. Yay.

P.S. I feel like I just turned 16.

Have to take the written when moving to NC too.




arent u??? :mamoru:

hey, just cause i have to wait 5 more months til i’m 21 doesn’t make me 16! but then again, i don’t have to deal with snow, or storing my bike. so looks like i win :wink:

Lol congrats

hehe that’s a lotta bs to go through…congrats

Crap, thanks for the heads up. 10months and counting


don’t worry about it

you would have to be retarded, blind, and HRK to fail it

same difference but whatever

yeah once you already take it, you know what’s up. it’s pretty much just the bullshit factor of having to do it again.
