NYS inspection licensing...

when are the test dates? where are they held?

google just keeps giving me websites with this stupid b.s. about your business certified to inspect.

i am looking for info. regarding personal certification to perform inspections.

thanks in advance.

You had better find a job! :slight_smile:

i dont remember if there is a written part or not, im pretty sure there is. there is also one you take at whatever inspection station youll be using. i know i took a written part but it was for school, so whether or not the state required it i do not know.

When i did mine it was right on the dealers computer. never had to do a written part.

You have to have 2 years shop experience before you can take the test.

or 1 year shop experience one year schooling before you can take the exam.

First you have to take the class test to get certified. Then in order to be able to do OBDII inspections you take that on a machine. If you need an app. PM me your info and i’ll send you an app. when i’m in the office tomorrow. You can also download it from www.NYSDMV.com (vehicle safety section) its under forms but i forgot the exact form number vs- something. Test are held once a month in buffalo are and once every two months in rochester

I have a blank in my briefcase its a VS-120
and its 1 year experience or school not and

thanks pauly!

want to pm the form# so i can get it and apply.

and yes i have more than enough time to be able to inspect.

one year anywhere, test is easy, usually every 4 months, youre work will sign you up

i signed in, came back 3 hours later for the test got 100%

the questions on the test are basically like “do people need to breath to live”

i got a 50 cent raise HA worth shit, only thing it comes in handy for is gettin stickers for your cars that are too modded to pass

haha truth.

Ya I’m not thrilled with the way they pretty much give the license to anyone. I have given the test before, it’s pitiful. There actually are stories about people failing this test and when they hand it in it’s been given back to them to adjust some answers. There should really be more stringent requirements to the procedure.
We constantly complain about the incompetence in this industry, yet we give anyone a license. It’s F’d up

thanks for the help pauly.

and yes incompetence is prevelent in our world, but some ppl do take it seriously and like myself want to make it a staple of our work ethic. that being said i need a job. lol

i heard that your inspection license is pretty much printed when u go to the test. i dont agree with this at all. because then there are the kids on here that inspect biggest pile of shits in the world. makes you scared to think some of the cars that go down the road.

they are done ahead of time. Its not right. The stories i could tell you about shit running around on the road (that shouldnt be) would amaze you. How do you get people to take inspections seriously when its as easy as it is to get a license. It baffles me. But then the whole industry is really quite F’d up. Its hard to get anyone to take a job serious when you’re paying them the same as Burger King does…
GRRRRRR dont get me going on this whole subject…it burns me up
To expect professionalism means you need to pay professionally. Tech’s are so under paid.
OK enough venting LOL