NYS Inspection Question

Is the tech supposed to floor your car up and down the road for an inspection? I thought they were supposed to pull a wheel off to check the brakes and other assorted things listed in the NYS DMV brochure:

Just curious. Thanks.

They must floor it up and down the road, yes. :retardclap

Tell the story now

No flooring

They ARE supposed to test drive it to text Brake Equalization. But no there is no need for Rapid Acceleration

Never knew they were supposed to drive the car. This is the first time in 7 years I’ve had a vehicle leave the premises for a state inspection.

Ive never had one driven more than in and out of the garage.

Where did you take it?

Hmm maybe I need to look it up but I’ve never test drove a car for nysi, I always test drive a car to make sure there’s no brake pulsation axel vibrations or any other concerns the customer might have but never have I test drove a car just for a nysi…

I know it’s not supposed to go any further than the parking lot. I wouldn’t have noticed but I heard it revving up outside so I went out there and heard it going WOT down the road. The kid even said he felt “fuel cut” after 10psi after I asked him why he drove it. This actually means his foot was resting on the clutch pedal which engaged the WOT BOX…


Yea he just wanted to drive your car, let me know next time you need a nysi I inspect a few members cars on here and no bullshitntest drives

Yea dude same here. I’ll inspect it for you any time. I don’t usually test drive cars for inspections but I think you are supposed to if your doing it 100% by the book

hope you got the sticker for free atleast.

It could’ve been worse, he could have moved the seat…

The only time ya "have to do a brake equalizer test is if one side of the cars brakes r lower than the others . No rule stating u have to . Any good tech can see a issue and what it is without driving it if the need for that test is met . U got told a lie and had your car hammered on ! Now go drink a few beers and complain to them


Who was it ?

What shop was it?

I won’t mention their name, but they used to be very reputable.


Jon requires a burn out, but not actually a test drive

Now that I can do :rofl