NYS Inspection Question

I would deft talk to d.c , does he even know about it ??? Who was the tech ?

thats some bull shit for sure man. i would definitely complain to someone in the company about that.

He told the kid to take it out. Idk why

There is no reason for that at all .I’m in disbelief that happened there actually .

Interesting. To give Darryl the benefit of the doubt, are your pads wearing evenly? Maybe the tech told Darryl, so he said to take the car out just to be sure and maybe cover his ass?

Either way, I’d understand him putting around the lot to see how it was braking, but WOT rips are not excusable. Any other shop, and I’d have made sure that the inspection was on their dime.

The pads and rotors are well within spec. Idk how you guys figured out where I brought it but it’s bs. I sent friends and family there too. It seemed slow when I
Went there. I bet they tried to smoke my clutch since I posted about paying them to replace it once it WEARS OUT.

I just heard it sitting at like 3000 rpm while I walked outside to see wtf was going on. Then I just see a cloud of dust and my car gone, and a 2.0l s/c ecotec going wot up the road. B s

Hmmm that sucks I bet I know who the kid that looked at is was too there’s a reason he was fired from his last job in the area,

Have u talked to darryl yet ? I’m inteerested to see what he says !

Honestly some techs just want to drive the car. Just as Jon said, its not needed if they know what there doing. Most guys at shops I have seen really dont give to shits about there jobs since they get paid nothing. Half of them really dont know the exact criteria to pass inspection besides the basics. Next time ask them whats the min spec for rotor thickness to pass insp. Bet they have no idea what your talking about.

wow thats some shit.

I hate that shit, I’ve never seen a car get driven for an inspection. EVER.

Quick lube places seem to be the best for state inspections. In and out and no nonsense (thank you corporate). They might try to sell you a wiper blade but if they’re that bad then you should replace them anyway.

yeah, thats not right. seemed like a joy ride


all depends alot of them don’t even lift the cars to see if the steering and suspension components are shot or not.

Just take it to someone you know. I’d have either John (slowmarro) or Mason @ Kost do them. Both are great dudes, tons of knowledge, and very helpful.

i always go to slomarrow, no nonsense.

I’ll bring it to a shop that isn’t on any fucking internet forums

good call