NYS Inspection Question

Ding ding ding. We have a winner

I hope Daryl chimes in here. I’ve had nothing but great experiences from them and I would like to hear his side of the story.

Unless you go in the back bay with him :ninja

thanks dicks :rofl

want to clarify that one? lol


I posted that just for you. I figured I’d get a novel. Lol

well here you go then :rofl


Leo, Chris, Alpine…

Have you lost your mind? OMG…

Here’s the deal;

Chris called for and inspection. I told him to bring it right over. When he got here he has “another” exhaust leak. Said it has a pin hole where we welded it. Mind you he went to MAVIS and had more mufflers put on but anyway…

Mike, my tech did the inspection. I told him the car should be good as chris is a little OCD about things, but TAKE IT FOR A TEST DRIVE to be sure there is no pulsation or pulling or anything else that seems funny.

He did as I asked…And I too listened to him leave and return and yes he got after it, as I would have.

All Inspections should have a test drive…and many of you have been here and seen our driveway so testing brakes and stuff in the parking lot DOES NOT WORK HERE…

Chris asked me why did he took a test drive. I told Chris that I told him to and its a normal part of a NYSI…he just mumbled that he had never heard of such a thing…

Now since I heard the same thing Chris did, I did not think Mike even came close to hurting the little SAAB motor in the COBALT…

As usual, things get blown out of proportion and now IM THE DICK…


Now this is the same Chris whose car exhaust I have spent hours on for free, drove him to advanced auto in the 67’ Camaro after my hours and stayed to fix his car. The same Chris who always get the “come right in man” and the same Chris who gets “dont worry about it man” I did it cause i wanted to…


Like always Guys and Gals… You be the judge and jury… I HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER screw someone over… In FACT I eat more then I should…more often then others… AND THATS WHAT MAKES US SO GOOD.

CHRIS - I dont take offense to your questioning NOR your inexperience with the laws of NYS regarding NYSI…

HOWEVER - The next time you have an issue and ask me why, and I TELL YOU because it suppose to be done and I TOLD HIM to drive it…YOU SHOULD accept that as truth. I have NO reason to LIE to you nor anyone!


While the response could’ve been a little more professional, it was good to get both sides of the story.

If anything about the tech saying to Chris something about a fuel-cut is true, that’d go to show he was indeed beating on a car that he had no right to. A test drive is not a test romp, and I’m sure you understand that.

It’s not just you…EVERY shop is a bad guy. Sure there are plenty of scumbags in the business but I feel this is not the case here. I can see some people getting butthurt if their cavalier is goosed a bit up the street. If it were mine i’d be a little pleased to hear, just so I know what the exhaust sounds like etc.

I JUST REREAD THIS. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY ABOUT THIS… :facepalm ARE U SERIOUS DUDE? YOU REALLY THINK THAT?? HOLY CROW! See I’m the calm type until you test my integrity. Chris you should call or stop over so I can offer you some sound advice…

Sorry to say this man but this post makes you sound like a huge dick, and i gurantee i’m not the only one who’s thinking that right now. A joyride is not part of a nys inspection, not once has any of my cars ever left the garage for a nys inspection.

Cossey, although you and I tend to disagree more then agree - on this one we agree…and I’m well aware of the difference in a test drive a test pound and a test romp… Chris has blown this way out of reality. We work on 1k - 80k cars and trucks. We are a TRUSTED shop for many by many. The SHIFT518 members have been coming to us for several years… We have had TWO complaints that i know of. SMOOSH - who’s geometry in the lowered condition cannot be aligned correctly and CHRIS…

I would hope anyone who comes here knows they can watch what we do, question whats going on, know in advance whats cost should be and TRUST what I do, what we do… Mike Wood, Slowmarrow and so many others know I do shit right…I’m not having it come back and certainly not be half-assed. Why? Beleive it or not - I CARE…you and your cars matter. they are money and heart and part of who you are. I get it…really

oh BTW…

You shouldn’t have charged me for fixing a weld u made leaky in the first place but the rest i truly understand where you’re coming from and am sorry about that.

ps i think u should pave ur lot, i was mad about getting the car fulla dust and hustlin’ the suspension over the dirt

Sorry man, When someone suggests my integrity is bad and suggests I did things i should not have done and want to make me look bad… I get a little upset… actually really upset.

I apologize to everyone for the rant - IT WAS UNCALLED FOR… Im not going to delete it though because it out there…

It’s really BS to trash a shop when you dont know the law and forgot all they’ve done for you for free or without appointments or whatever…

I’m still pissed… why? it matters to me… alot…


The way I see it that you physically had no control over what the employee did on the test drive. You can’t change the past and you certainly can’t babysit your employees (what’s the point of hiring someone if you gotta watch over their every move?).

i guess 99.9% of inspections just use the “approved brake testing equiptment” vs. the “right foot” method


John really has a difficult time with keeping his internet mouth closed :rofl

Chris - I hate to LOVE you…

man you really pissed me off dude. I would NEVER bang you or hurt your car man…or anyone else’s pride for that matter…

so so angry you didn’t say a word…you didnt call me other then ask why he drove it… and i told you why man…

I just dont get it…

never the less… your always welcome here… I’ll continue to play with your exhaust for fun…

this is forgotten now that we aired the BS… sorry we pissed u off…

Please try to see things from my fiscal perspective. PS I never mentioned anything about your shop until everybody else already made it obvious - its a shame but we can’t edit other peoples SHIT (yet).

Let me put it this way - if your personal vehicle that you’re trying to squeeze every last mile out of was sitting outside at 3000rpm for an extended period of time, only to be ROMPED ON up the road with a cloud of dust leaving the shop driveway, wouldn’t you start to look at things a little differently? That’s what happened. Again sorry that your name got out but I told JOHN (another shop owner whose opinion I was after, nothing more) about what happened and he decided to make it public.

Sry. PS I walked over to talk to the kid because I wanted to smell under the hood. I smelt nothing, if that matters.

I did inspections for many years. I, along with my fellow techs drove pretty much every car up the street quick or around the block. This was not only required by inspection rules but also the dealer I worked at. This was good because sometimes you catch issues customers are not aware of and other small things. And I don’t give a shit what anyone says, a visual look over, tire shake, tie rod grab etc does not catch every issue with a car. You can have many things show on a test drive that’s not easy to duplicate or find when it’s on the lift.

Obviously many flat rate techs will bang shit out to keep things moving, especially if the car is usually kept up or only a few years old.

This is not me claiming everything in this situation is justifiable, just regarding “test drives”