Rochester Abondoned Subway Tunnel, pics post 60...

I might need a guy for our final v-ball match tonight. It could be an adventure because we are missing a girl too…

Who is being replaced by a HS varsity player somehow. :pedo:

EDIT _ I should have read the whole thread before posting. :ham:

sneak in the psych center by buff state. Thats pretty easy and scary as shit.

To the tower top or bust

The subway in Roc is only good if you happen across some weirdos which has only happened to me once. Though it’s fun to go with a group of people but other than that, wait until there’s an art show and bring spray paint.

It’s the large cemetery next to Delaware Park. Not sure why you’d want to go there it’s more nice than scary.

How’d you get in? The last time we went it was sealed up tighter than a 10 year old.

We went in the falling wall on the Buff State side and that cross street before Grant.

No clue if that is still accessible.

the petite castles are romantic.

i’d totally do two girls up the butt there.

The fence you can just jump over or crawl under. we didn’t have much trouble getting into the center itself, maybe we just got lucky with an open door lol…

The Akron Caves are pretty cool.

The haunted mental hopsital in Perrysburg. Although it’s all gated off. If you get in (which is easy) you’ll have a blast.

want to get into the psych asylum, that would be sweet, i heard certain areas are easy to get into, and then others are pretty much impossible, if someone goes take pictures!

talk to dos :tif:

then you find your self coming the wrong side of an asbestos tent

there are some caves around here, they creep me the fuck out…

Just go to the Central Terminal. You can walk right in the long 2 story section. Go up the staircase to the 2nd story closest to the tower. Walk thru it near the end where theres another staircase on the right. Theres a room with a door right their, open it and fight and kill for your women and cook them a fresh human steak dinner (Freebie!).
Theres also that fenced off building right behind the terminal tower you get into with all the construction equip in.

Wow way to not call me for this! lol.

There isn’t much left of the terminal that you can get into, just the basement and the surrounding buildings (post office, etc). The basement… hell I don’t know why anyone would ever want to go in there. The concourse is clean and the actual tower is secure and locked up, and there are alarms set up. Not really worth it anymore. (I’ve volunteered there, and it’s alot easier to go up the tower when you have the keys).

you want newman to have sex with you?

so, results are ?

I went to the roch subway, it was pretty cool, i took a few pictures.

No menage’, though. I fail.

im for 3 sum pic… or pic of the adventure

The entrance (behind Dinosaur BBQ):

Some graffiti (totally saw this guy on a party boat):


It was 100% pitch dark in here:

With a flash:


IDK WTF this was…

Clever Prankster:

The way out:


Later we found this rope gym thing…

There was this crazy “space frame” at an amphitheater that we climbed up to the top of. It was kinda shaky, but open to the public during the day, i guess.

All in all, a good adventure. We walked from one end of the tunnel to the other, it was pitch dark and wet/damp, but otherwise uneventful (with the exception of one REALLY CREEPY noise. Sounded like someone dragging an axe along the floor, intermittently… It turns out it was a venting steam valve. I thought that shit only happened in the movies.

Wasn’t enough to get 2 coeds on my jock. Only one. NEXT TIME.