Rochester Abondoned Subway Tunnel, pics post 60...

She looks like a small child.

girl in the pic?
that broad’s 21.

let me be the first to say: any noodz? :roll:


So whats the deal with the subway? They just decided not to use it anymore? Obviously its seen better days, lack of funding caused its closure? Death trap? Or just not needed? (much like what is going to happen in Buffalo)

just anypic of her will do :gotme:

i do like the work on the walls … how long of a walk was it???

i’ve been in there while waiting to get into DinoBBQ… it’s quite scary when you go deep into it with no light.

good pictures, :tup:

I love the smell of rotting hobo corpses.

I didn’t know it was right behind dinosaur. Thats cool. Makes sense as dinosaur is an old rail station.

Hmm, I’ll have to check this out as well.,43.158902,-77.625529&saddr=Charles+St+%4043.158902,+-77.625529&daddr=43.15307,-77.607594&mra=mi&mrsp=1,0&sz=16&doflg=ptm&sll=43.154213,-77.608409&sspn=0.004493,0.00618&ie=UTF8&ll=43.154213,-77.611327&spn=0.004493,0.00618&t=h&z=16

that map kinda shows where we went. (east to west) If i go again, i will go to the RIGHT at dino BBQ instead of the left…

newman what the hell are you doing? If one of these girls gets tetanus, her jaw will clamp down. permanently.

and some ARTSY pics:

Was there any more art than the stuff you took photos of? I heard there are usually some good murals down there.


I never went in that entrance before, I usually go in where that girl is standing. If you head to her left, that’s where they have art showings. The channel of water you passed to the right is where the bums ‘bury’ their dead, so I’m told.

I would go.

any chance that you can load the pics to nyspeed?

i can email, if you want. pm your address.

No, cause you should be working :drama2: