Rochester Abondoned Subway Tunnel, pics post 60...


two wrongs dont make a right…

oh cool… I didn’t think you would follow through with this so quickly.

i needed an adventure for THAT NIGHT.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Pics of said broad?

i’m not posting her pic all over the forum, haha.

lol. worth a try i suppose.

soo me and a bunch of friends decided to go on an adventure of our own tonight hittin up some haunted places.before you read this ridiculously long post i just like to say it is about 630am i just got home from this and am extremely tired so if this doesnt make sense or is hard to read i apologize.

First stop was some cemetary in boston, not sure of the name but i was told its called boston cemetary but w/e…kinda creepy, had like a goodleburg feeling since there was houses close to it. nothing too special but def kinda creepy due to its size and extremely hilly ground. o that and we stumbled across a freshly buried body. it was just thing box shape mound of dirt with a like metal grave that was just like a wreath stuck into the ground. the hole almost looked like someone dug a whole dumped a body and put up some cheap ass wreath…not sure but def creepy…so we leave there then head over to pigmans and once again like every time ive ever went when we walked by the longer of the 2 tunnels a train goes by…cops busted that up fairly quickly…so then we decided to heard to the tifft street grain elevtors…needless to say we didnt even get close…we park and walked over and were stopped by some dude saying its private property. dude was fucked up and creepy as hell he like followed us back down the sidewalk. we then chilled on this cement ledge watching the lightning out in the lake and 2 of my friends decided to go try to get in again without the guy seeing and they did but couldnt find a way into the building…it was all in all a fun night. the grain elevators is by far the creepiest of the 3 and we didnt even get in just the size and look of the place is creepy. we were going to go to forest lawn as well but one of the girls with us lives 2 seconds away and says its not creepy its pretty even at night so we decided not to…and that brings me here typging this extremly long unimportant post…hope u enjoyed haha.

ive been to the subway.

i would not procreate in there. homeless people sleep there often at night…

Nice pics man looks like you had fun. Not being photographically advanced i have a stupid question. In the last pic of the intersection. How did you make it so that the cars headlights and such look all elongated and light speedish?

Im ready to get flamed.

slow shutter speed.

So I am planing some things tonight
Who is down ?

Where are you going, Adam?

If i werent going to see batman I would be down for some snky action.

update on the tifft street grain mills…couple buddies went again tonight to try and get in. I ended up takin a tride down there to see what was up and when i got there ( there being a lil cement ledge ove looking the lake and right next to the mill)…they started tellin me how there was some sneaky shit goin down there at the place. they said how aw hite van drove to the back and stayed there running for over an hour and then a boat came up to the van then they were there for a few and the boat left then the van left. well the creepy dude who stopped us the night before was there too the whole time randomly shining his flashlight on the building at like 10 minutes intervals…they also said how before the van got there there was a bunch of guys there who seemed to be almost guarding the place…we still werent able to get in without the chance of that dude catching us again and with all that was goin down it didnt seem too safe of an idea to risk getting caught…they’re is definately something fishy goin on there and that would explain the creepy dude and how weird he was and definately seemed over protective of the place and to top it all off this is all at roughly 2-4 am so its pretty late this all went down…o well…once again maybe another night we can get in…yes this post might have given you a head ache reading,but im tired and i just wanted topost this while it was still fresh

Why does all of this remind me of a scooby doo episode:gotme:

the “creepy dude” is a security guard for the marina.

haha because thats exactly what it was like minus the van and talking dog hahaha…and yeah thats what we thought about the guy too but he wasn’t wearing any uniform just like street clothes and just how he acted and the way he kept like creepin around the boat store lot was just weird…the whole van and boat meeting on the island was pretty out of the ordinary too…just seemed strange figured ide share to get some opinions on the whole deal

goodleburg sucks, waist of time

goodbye horses

christian i missed you tonight and shock and awe. i thought you loved to dance