where is pigmans

anyone know where pigmans road is or sumthin like that the haunted place?


pins and needlessssss

pinnnnnssssss annnnndd neeeeeeeedddllllllllleeeesssss

is this some place in clarance, i’ve heard stories, or am i totaly missing the point,lol

no its off of route 5

Hmmm, I’ll ask JDMJunkie, he was telling me some crazy storines about some weird road, I dont really remember where he said it was.

Its in Evans, the street is called hardpan rd. My girls aunt lives off the street.

ask him asap!

come out to goodleburg in holland, its like 5 min from my house and ull see some fucked shit man

its by Angola. its a creepy road with no houses and single lane railroad overpasses/tunnels, but thats about it.

Holland Rd. In the town of Evans. Some friends and I went out there when we were in like 10th or 11th grade, parked our cars and walked the woods for about 2 hours. It’s not haunted, but we did find something scary when we came back to our cars… The cops. They had just given us all parking tickets, it was super scary, not really :tdown:

Link to some info on it: www.paranormalghostsociety.org/Pigmans%20Road.htm

it sucks, they tore down the old barn with all the old farming tools in it. its not scary anymore

i think there is a weird road in clarence though. i remember going there and it was very narro and alot of people wrote shit in chalk on the pavement.

yeh its called holland road in angola, ive been there a few times and its not scary

no this was defnitely near clarence. nowhere near angola.

oh, i didnt mean that road lol i was talking about pigmans road in angola

ahhhh my bad… buttsecks?

every one should go there at least once…atleast to fuck with the youngins who actually think the place is haunted…lol thrown a dummy or something over the overpass as kids drive through it

its not scary but some one screams when we got out of the first bridge thats about it n red lights in the woods…

there is some cemetery way the fuck out in wales. Pretty cool to walk around at night, always foggy there, really weird.

Made me :lol: