where is pigmans


there is some cemetery way the fuck out in wales. Pretty cool to walk around at night, always foggy there, really weird.


That’s goodleburg… Been there, seriously haunted. I would NOT go there anymore. The cops sit up there and wait now, and you be arrested for tresspassing. Too many old tombstones from the 1800’s have been destroyed.


no this was defnitely near clarence. nowhere near angola.


I know the road your talking about. It’s called delaware rd. It’s right near a bar on Goodrich rd in clarence. It’s right off off goodrich and wolcott rd. Spooky at night. always foggy.

You want some seriusly scary shat? Go check out the is one house in lockport in the city. It seriously haunted. The workers that were repairing the house were thrown off the scafolding. They never came back, and the the scafolding still sits there. It’s kinda kept hush hush. I knew a guy that used to live near it, and he said on certain nights, especially stormy ones, you could see black shadows moving all over the place…:eek:


I know the road your talking about. It’s called delaware rd. It’s right near a bar on Goodrich rd in clarence. It’s right off off goodrich and wolcott rd. Spooky at night. always foggy.

You want some seriusly scary shat? Go check out the is one house in lockport in the city. It seriously haunted. The workers that were repairing the house were thrown off the scafolding. They never came back, and the the scafolding still sits there. It’s kinda kept hush hush. I knew a guy that used to live near it, and he said on certain nights, especially stormy ones, you could see black shadows moving all over the place…:eek:


that woulden’t happen to be the van horn mansion or something like that would it?

go to holland road with a few groups of cars…park and get out…

scare the shit out of the other cars (hopfully girls)

and if you are driving said car… hopfully its stick… kill the engine and freak out when it won’t start agian (because the clutch isn’t in)
it’s good for a laugh


that woulden’t happen to be the van horn mansion or something like that would it?


its on summit st off transit, not sure if thats the one youre thinking of.

yeah i think that is the van horn mansion


go to holland road with a few groups of cars…park and get out…

scare the shit out of the other cars (hopfully girls)

and if you are driving said car… hopfully its stick… kill the engine and freak out when it won’t start agian (because the clutch isn’t in)
it’s good for a laugh


Haha, you sir are evil. I commend you. :slight_smile:


yeah i think that is the van horn mansion


i worked at that place for some haunted house once. The guy i went with was there the day before and said they were getting a tour and heard a large glass sounding smash in one of the rooms but nothing had fallen or broken. he night i was there the power would go off frequently and when i went on my tour they took us to the attic. All around the floor up there there are dead flies piled up about an inch. The caretaker said they clean them frequently but always get dead flies up there at an alarming amount. They also said there is a grave stone on the back that is tipped over and they had to bracked it down cause it has a tendancy to turn itself…


I know the road your talking about. It’s called delaware rd. It’s right near a bar on Goodrich rd in clarence. It’s right off off goodrich and wolcott rd. Spooky at night. always foggy.

You want some seriusly scary shat? Go check out the is one house in lockport in the city. It seriously haunted. The workers that were repairing the house were thrown off the scafolding. They never came back, and the the scafolding still sits there. It’s kinda kept hush hush. I knew a guy that used to live near it, and he said on certain nights, especially stormy ones, you could see black shadows moving all over the place…:eek:


its not its all cracked up to be…ive actually been in that house last summer at night.theres still a bunch of power tools in the house, theres cars in the garage

the story behind that house is it used to be part of the underground railroad, then there was a huge massacre at it and it was left for a while, then someone bought it to restore it into a museum and keep seeing figures and shit that were haunting it and left, and its been that way since.

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:29,topic:32349"”]

its not its all cracked up to be…ive actually been in that house last summer at night.theres still a bunch of power tools in the house, theres cars in the garage

the story behind that house is it used to be part of the underground railroad, then there was a huge massacre at it and it was left for a while, then someone bought it to restore it into a museum and keep seeing figures and shit that were haunting it and left, and its been that way since.


its one of those houses that has multiple basements. theres a tunnel that connects to the house/bar across the street, and supposedly one that also goes to the canal. the story i heard was that there was a fire and the slaves in the basement couldnt get out.

serves them right for being slaves… stupid non union workers.

j/k please don’t pop a cap


serves them right for being slaves… stupid non union workers.

j/k please don’t pop a cap


the way i see it they shouldnt have been in the basement hiding anyways, they should have been at the bar across the street!


I know the road your talking about. It’s called delaware rd. It’s right near a bar on Goodrich rd in clarence. It’s right off off goodrich and wolcott rd. Spooky at night. always foggy.

You want some seriusly scary shat? Go check out the is one house in lockport in the city. It seriously haunted. The workers that were repairing the house were thrown off the scafolding. They never came back, and the the scafolding still sits there. It’s kinda kept hush hush. I knew a guy that used to live near it, and he said on certain nights, especially stormy ones, you could see black shadows moving all over the place…:eek:



My buddy showed that house to me as we drove past it once, scary as fuck

Holland Road is pretty scary sometimes. I used to live like 7 minutes from it. One time I was driving down it and there was a truck behind me and I got to the end of the road and he wasn’t there anymore. I waited at the stop sign for him too. There are houses on it though, but right at the end. And he didn’t pull into any of their driveways. He was tailgating me pretty bad the whole road, and then disappeared. So I turned around to look for him and he followed me again, and then disappeared.

So either someone was fucking with me real good, or it’s haunted. Haha.

Me and my friends went down the clarence road one night before. Supposively you see a ghostly figure of an old man holding a lantern and a young girl during the fall or spring but I didnt see shit. I guess one time some kid got his ass kicked by some other punks a while back.
When we did drive down thier some assholes came flying up from behind us and Im telling my friend to gun it but he never shifts over 2k rpms but we reached the end of the road before they reached us. I wasnt in the mood in confronting some hillbillies and the road is only one lane and looked like it was going to come to a dead end.

Delaware Road Pwns.

I love the turn in the middle thats marked at something dumb like 25mph.

I could take that turn at 125mph…

I just came down Holland Road now, then I see this thread :lol:

Maybe Nyspeed is haunted. :ohnoes:

you guys keep mentioning Van Horn Mansion. That’s actually in newfane…

There is another spooky house in lockport. Its surrounded by a fence and little areas that used to have statues in them connected to the old iron fence. The houses and fenced area is HUGE.I cant think of the street tho…

In for the old buffalo psych house near buff state
