I am the LAW: 3 states now illegal to record on-duty police officer in public.

So if he walks up to the window and I say is your in car video camera on, and they say yes, I can just say I dont consent to it and then act all sketchy. He will want to remove me from the car i bet, and then he will fear for himself if i am acting strange, not want to take the camera offline and will let me go becasue if I bug out nothing is there to see it.

Thats the best point anyone can make. It cant be written with execptions, becasue that would be one big loop hole. My security cam in my store, if it faces the road a little and a cop drives by, is it illegal? What if a cop beats someone down in my gas station parking lot and I get it on my security camera? What about all the highway traffic cam’s, hell those you can watch on the internet live! will they have to be turned off?

Someone in those states should put a camera on a tripod on my front lawn. Drive up and down the road till a cop comes and do a burnout and get pulled over. then try to get his ass kicked on tape on private property.