Get that grapling hook and start scaling houses. It’s a lot more cost effective.
as do I…on occasion
I used to go to Niagara when it was Lumber City. I also climbed the real rocks in Hamilton area a few times. I was young and in shape then, and I think I did well because I was so light and could pull myself up easier. Now I’m out of shape and should start climbing again. I fucking loved it.
Where is the niagara climbing place?
That place takes me way back to grammar school, we used to go to lumber city rock gym on field trips and shit.
Looking up broads shorts and shit while spotting them, lol.
Seriously though its alot of fun.
Do they ever have like open climb night where you can go in there and rent all the equipment, and just climb for an hour or so?
Whats it run? I’d love to check it out again.
Niagara used to be lumber city, it’s in NT near NF blvd.
Newman, I work there on Saturday nights and try to climb at least once or twice a week. The climbing center is only limited by the height of the walls, our routesetters are all very talented at what they do. If you want some instruction or a spot ill be glad to help you out. Ive been climbing for the last 7 years.
What did they drive?
why does newman get special treatment! i want to go do it too.
One of my buddies instructs at the Niagara Gym. This is further motivation for me to start in the spring.
who? I bet I know him/her
invitation is all inclusive
I guess he volunteers there…
His name is Andrew, he used to have really long shaggy hair and looked kind of like Jesus, but now his hair is short(er).
He says he knows you.
i still have a shitload of binner 8’s rescue 8’s ascenders decenders webbing cams all kinds of shit somewhere… i should dig it out
I know who that is
Sweet, I’m gonna come climb with you guys soon. I want to learn how to do those sweet dyno’s!
edit: I’m going to be out of town this weekend. Newman/Adam, when are you guys going?
come with me dude, i wanna go, maybe this saturday. don’t bitch out
josh- what times are they open on the weekend?
I’ll go with you next weekend, and I’ll see if my buddy can go too. He knows what he’s doing.
Pre-meet meet at my house to watch stallone’s Cliffhanger?
haha. jk.
haha. cliffhanger FTW.