Roller Hockey Wed nights @ Pepsi Center 8-10

good looks like we’ll finally have a good turnout this week

dont hold your breath


well we have 9 people confirmed, plus a couple on here that aren’t on the list. Plus I have 5 other people I am going to call.

I hope to have at least 12 for sure, 14 would be perfect

8-10 right, if so I will def be there, if you guys dont mind

don’t mind at all

I’ll try to come next week. Although I hate Milsher too. I hate that fat owner guy!!

I’ll be there tomorrow … confirmed it on the list too … :wave:to everyone b/c I dont really know any of you lol. should I bring a dark and a light jersey for when we divide up the teams? also, does it get really hot in the rink area? I’ve played on the ice at the Pepsi Center a ton of times, but never on the roller hockey rink.

yea bring some gaytorade. it gets hot. bring a white or dark jersey

wellllllll i just remembered tommorow nite is our fantasy football draft, so if i come out it’ll only be for the first hour!

And now I can’t make it. Thanks to that bitch Katrina, our basement flooded. And see as how my equipment was down there, well… you get the idea!!! :mad:

so now it smells better?

the light and dark jerseys is for when we divide up the teams… If you dont have one or other its alright though, people have extras.

Jay knows

:lol: Pretty much, but I gotta let it all dry out… AGAIN!!!

Cancelled tonight!

Flooded rink!

damn! I was really looking forward to playing … why is the rink flooded? bad ceiling or something?

yeah, really bad… I hope they get it fixed soon

Its under a couple inches of water

i gotta start playing ice hockey. many more opportunities to play

I hear ya…

maybe all the weight of the water will get rid of the mountains

sigh… ok well since we missed this “season” at epic we should get everything in order for the next one so that we aren’t runing around at the last minute