Roller Hockey Wed nights @ Pepsi Center 8-10

Gotta help arragne a stag tonight, but I’ll be there next week!

Told you I was gonna cum tonight :stuck_out_tongue:

Stags are cool, all the work that goes into them sucks monkey balls.

If the hall doesn’t have the 50/50 tickets avail for you free… party city has them cheap. I have a connection for DVDs if you want some.

sigh…no luck on epic :frowning: blah i’ll cya guys tonite tho


ill prolly show up tonite, but if there isnt many people there, im just gonna bounce.

yea same here

how was it?

3 on 3…


any of you guys do some sweet jumps off of the sweet ramps in the floor?
I just got done explaining to Brian and some other crybabies… I’d play at milsher if they weren’t dishonest bastards.

I’ll be there next week, I’ll make sure we have at least 12

playing wed. august 31?

yes, it attendence is good.
PM me your e-mail and I will get you on the mailing list

attendence will be good… I’ll make sure

I can probably make it, I have the night off, supposed to go out for a friends bday, but that’s not till later, so if anything I can take off a few minutes early.

anyone interested that didn’t get an e-mail today?

Where are you guys playing now?

No more working weds nights :slight_smile:

bout time :wink: milsher

I’ll be there weds then :wink:

I didn’t Jack, but then again… I get enough spam as it is already! :stuck_out_tongue:

I should be there this Wed. though… unless I run out of money :cry:

milsher, which is in amherst