i dunno 22 shipped is already crazy cheap hehe andy (itakagi) had the same wheels/bearings i’m talking about too, he didn’t seem to have any problems with them either. anywho here’s the link, they have fast shipping too i’ve bought from them 3 times now
Count me in on the leauge as well, although things might change when I finally get a job.
- Adictd2b00st
- SilverGTP
- Jack - depending on price, day/time and attendance.
- Itagaki
:eek: I didn’t write that… damn you and your mod editing abilitites!!!
should we make this in a new thread?
I have about 3 or 4 guys that would play for sure.
not my fault u couldn’t follow the simple instructions of the list! hehe
well if u already have 3 or 4…and i’m pretty sure Poose22 would play as well, and theres 4 in this thread so thats enough for a team in my book? what about goalie? the one we play with now is pretty good did u run it by him yet?
edit chino proly hasn’t seen this yet either
The goalie would play for sure. He’s single, lives at home and has no life.
I can ask him… but he has to sit at home and watch wrestling… so his schedule is pretty tight.
awesome haha i’d say we’re in good shape then for enough players to have a full team then, no?
- Adictd2b00st
- SilverGTP
- Jack - depending on price, day/time and attendance.
- Itagaki
- Chino
http://www.epic-center.com/inlinehockey.html ok heres what i found…its 5 on 5…so we’d need 10 plus the goalie, which we won’t have a problem doing. The next league starts in Sept, and the registration deadline is august 23rd. With the team fee divided by 11, it’d end up being $58 per person, plus $2 each game for ref fee’s. It’s been suggested that we join the rec league the first time around to see where we stand, thoughts/opinions?
edit oh and we need a “coach” who is 21 or over, any suggestions? haha
ok just got off the phone with them, he said theres really no limit to # of teams, so we just gotta make sure we register in time. also he said games are scheduled on 3 diff nites a week, because of the # of teams involved. so having nites open is gonna be needed for sure. i know for sure one of the nites was sunday, i wana say the other 2 were tues and thurs…i kinda forgot to right it down. so yea, lets do this!
Id possibly be down to play, but Im already locked up on Sundays playing ice with the Great Skate team. But if it’s one of the other nights, I could possibly make it work, and could get another player or two if needed.
i’m out. sorry guys, there is more to life than hockey for me, and I can’t really leave my schedule open with school coming up
i hope you’re talking about the dude with the long beard.
and ive been meaning to play hockey in a league at epic for about 2 years now, but have been too lazy to sign up. if it’s gonna cost me around 60-70 bones, then ill definitely play. i wouldnt wanna do sunday nights, cus of football starting. so if we do another day, we can get that other guy that posted to sign up too.
i can prolly get a buddy to sign up too, cus like me, he’s been meaning to sign up at epic for as long as i have.
so fuck going somewhere else, lets just sign up for a league at epic. and they use puck, so everyone knows.
aparently that goalie has things to do on other days… not sure what but he said it depends on what day and time
yeah I’m talking about the better goalie. Sunday nights wouldn’t be bad for me… but neither would tue or thurs. Monday Nights I have a class.
If he can’t play goalie, I’ll keep an eye out for another one.
Puck works for me.
yea i’ve played with a puck before, so it shouldn’t take too much adjusting. and jay, i know for sure that monday nite wasn’t one of the days, so u should be fine.
jack would u wanna be our coach? hehe
oh and poose22, i hear ya on the not wanting to play on sunday nites cuase of football…but from my understanding its a rotating schedule, where theres 3 nites a week that games are held, because theres so many teams. so its totally possible we wont’ even have games on sunday…i’ll see if we can request to not have any on that nite?
i hate epic, and im surprised they went to 5v5…b/c it used to be 4v4 didnt it?
count me on the list tho…but no sundays…thats football day