Roller Hockey

If it sucks so bad, why are you posting here??

This is the last one.


If anyone is interested we will be playing Sunday morning around 11 at Leopold Lake Park in Imperial, its a really nice court when its dry. PM me if you need directions

I might be down for Imperial. I heard the big games go down Sunday nights out there.

Well I normally have my dek games Sunday morning but we are starting our playoff games so it is tonight instead… so ill be able to check it out Sunday morning. I was up there last night till about 10:30 and there were ppl still showing up about 10 mins before I left. It is definitely alot nicer playing at night thoughl, much cooler and there is still enough lighting

Bump this up… It’s getting colder out and I’m getting the itch (ehh…what?).

I don’t know where anyone plays anymore except for Sunday nights in Imperial and the pick up nights in Bridgeville.

Bill, have you been playing lately?

A bunch of buddies of mine are possibly renting the rink @ Bridgeville on Thursday. I’ll find out soon and post back here.

why would you feel like playing roller in the winter dur dur?

its not winter?

because it sucks (more) playing roller when its 9 million degrees outside.

Why not? Do you wanna go skate in the summer? Ask Bill BeastMode about RMU in July…

of course dan gets the nice breeze from all the pucks going by him so he probably isnt affected much by the heat.

oh well roller hockey is still a waste of time.

yes the ones you shoot wide of the net lolsssssssss!!!


Hmm… I’ll have to get some more gear and come learn to play ice hockey…

Dan has been abused a couple of times down at Southpointe with one of my ice teams. Fortunately we got ourselves a good one for tonite so we should have the opportunity to win.

I was going to say something to you Dan when I saw you walk in to play, but I figured I’d be quiet and see what was said on here when one of these threads came back up. :rofl:

shooting on Dan is an excellent place to start learning to play hockey. it wont do much for improving your skills, but it will do wonders for your self esteem!

what ice teams when was this? I hope your not talking about ryan schneiders team…Im not really in try mode for adult d/c leagues, personally slow paced is harder for me than fast paced… its harder to get into, most of the players dont play positions, its hard to explane theres no defense and overall its just crap in the lower league adult leagues…


Dude you talk like you should be backing up Marc Andre Fleury… I’d love to see this talk backed up…