Rolling with 20"ers Now...

Ugh, windshield wipers that is. :?

I have been getting more and more pissed off at all the wipers I have bought, so I decided to splurge and buy some of the overpriced Reflex wipers from CT.

The were $21.99 + tax each :shock:
I had a gift certificate from Christmas though, so it eased the pain at the till.

Just judging by the price, they are not worth it. There are other options like the teflon one’s that go for about $5 cheaper each. However, if you are fed up with crappy wipers, and price is of no concern, I would certainly recommend them. With the bit of snow we had earlier in the week, the difference was huge.

I am definately happy with them. The test now will be to see how long they last. :twisted:

my uncle was telling me that they are absolutely great, he uses them on his van. I have to get some and try them out.

Yeah, i’m in the market for new blades as well. I decided last year that I would buy the cheapest and replace them each season. If these $20 blades last longer then 2 seasons they’re worth it. However i have doubts of the reflex lasting until the end of the summer.

imo piaa makes the best wipers. they’re expensive though so not for everyone.

^^^ I found the Reflex ones worked just as well…

The key to the PIAA ones is the little packet of windscreen wipe they give
you. You can get generic stuff like that from Rain-x or I think Castrol has it
too. Use a little of that and the Reflax Blades and they are just as good as PIAA.

Using this substance, do you find that it leaves smudging on the windshield? Also, do yours squeak? All the wipers I have tried have squeaked, including the Reflex one’s I have now. Possibly a side effect of using the car wash stuff I use (car wash with wax included)?

Using this substance, do you find that it leaves smudging on the windshield? Also, do yours squeak? All the wipers I have tried have squeaked, including the Reflex one’s I have now. Possibly a side effect of using the car wash stuff I use (car wash with wax included)?[/quote]

Yeah :mad: Damn squeaking.

Mine squeaked before and after using RainX so I dont think it’s the culprit. Possibly wax, but I’d think it’d be worn off by now, and they still squeak.

its the bushings on the wiper bolt thinggy

its the bushings on the wiper bolt thinggy

I’m with stupid ^^^^. The bushing on the wiper transmision squeaks.

It can’t be that, as the sound comes from where the wiper blade makes contact with the windshield. Must be something about the pressure at contact, and the angle it wipes at or something. All I know is that it’s a piss-off. :evil:

well did u ever think that maybe its dry rubber on a windshield…
juice that shit up.

i used to have the squeeks with my walmart wipers. since ive gotten the PIAAs the noise just went away.

I use PIAA’s and I just make squeeking noises when I turned on my wipers.

PIAA wipers are extremly over priced ricer products. so are there bulbs.

uhhh piaa makes some of the best lighting products in the world…

used by racing teams world wide on all sorts of cars…

hi im scott… durrrrrrrrrrrr



well did u ever think that maybe its dry rubber on a windshield…
juice that shit up.[/quote]

Well, it happens when it’s raining out, and when it’s not, so? What would you suggest putting on the wiper blades? Is there stuff you can be for that?

thats pretty ignorant of you to say. I guess u should just go ahead and stick with your jdm tight cdn tire ones.

all of the piaa bulbs i own suck and were extremly expensive. their wipers are no better than a good set of bosch OEM wipers. except there 100 dollars more and MAD JDM TIGHT YO I HAVE PIAA WIPERS

and the bulbs looked ugly to boot

piaa wipers have carbon fibre pattern :roll:. and i think they are like 30 dollars a blade?