Rolling your fenders!

Can anyone suggest a good shop to get my fenders rolled for an s13? Preferably in the golden horseshoe area.

I know you can buy the tool online but would prefer to have the pro’s handle it.

I was recommeneded to use Tire’s 23. I haven’t gone yet but may drop my car off to get my rear fenders rolled.

do like that movie from japan did, first bang them up with a bodywork hammer, and then get someone to hold a metal pipe over your wheel while u drive forward and backward. They looked pretty good from what i saw.

ROFL, are u kidding, i wanna c this vid.

Would be a little better in english :slight_smile:

Birdhouse, your wheels look better on a pink car, hint hint :wink:

i don’t trust using a bar, i have a bad feeling about it, the first way i’ve seen done before and i trust a little more (referring to video)

Justin at Intense up here in Barrie will do em…he’s got the machine n heat gun

ya that video is jokes, forget what series that video is in, iunno i jus dl’ed a bunch of japanese videos that have everything about drifting and they have lil dyi features but everything is in japanese :frowning: but they give some great ideas

I would never let this guy do my fenders… He does it so bad… the paint chips, and he peels it off…the rod he used was metal and it again digs into the paint… He tries to cover it off with spray paint as if it wasnt bad enough hes going to ruin your paint with the spray. :S

haha, if i wanted a chick car, i would get one. :slight_smile:

//\ like a Civic? lol

Don’t be a pussy use a hammer its just a 240.

i seen fenders that were rolled like that . but not with a effin metal pipe, we used a thick peice of wood and it worked wiht the smallest crack in the paint on one side.

^^^The morning type of wood Chris? Jeez…congrats on finding it :stuck_out_tongue: lool

Yea people do it with a bat as it wont “bite” into the paint wtf is a metal pipe :S. crazy “tight” drifters and thier pink cars.