wanted: fender rolling guru to help me!

hey guys,

looking for someone to help me roll my fenders. i want this to look like stock. does anyone have alot of experiance doing this successfully without denting, or waves in the fender.

i will supply all tools needed and cash for someone to help.

or better yet if you could refer me to a really good shop to get this done…

ill post some pics later on in the week to show how much of a roll / pull is needed.



hey man im looking to have my fenders rolled as well, so if u find someone willing to help, i’d be willing to split the cost

If you just want to roll the fenders, use a baseball bat and it’ll come out mint. You only have the chance of denting your fenders if you’re attempting an aggressive pull.

ill need somewhat of a pull for sure… ill show some pics in days to come. cant get the pics at the moment.

i just dont trust my self to do this.

Pulling will most definitely give you waves, this occurs at the factory spot welds. It is very hard to avoid if you are pulling…

Just rolling is another story though. If you have stock paint and there is absolutely no rust, you should have no problem getting around 15mm. If you have had a re-spray, the paint will most likely crack.

In an S13, I’ve heard the best solution is to use expandable foam in behind the rear quarters.

I believe Mark (.white240.) has done such, without problems.

i found this and these guys did an awesome job, however mine wont need to be as extreme as these guys

s13 fender roll diy
still wouldnt mind help from someone who has done this before…


Hey Nate. I’ve done it a bunch of times. Rent a fender roller, holler at me, and we’ll get it done!

My roll+pull. I got some waviness, because their had been a bondo patch. I’ve done it before with perfect results, if the fender is mint. (like yours would be)

pm me if your interested.

However, be warned… I charge about a redbull an hour, FYI

question, what are thoughs wheels your running in that picture, and what tire size? …Im building a s 13 coup with a rb25det and would love somting with an offset like that

frig i love those wheels! i want some?! where did you get them and how much? will you sell them to me

i have a fender roller i would consider renting out.

the S1DC guys are taking it in the near future… maybe a fender rolling party down there or something.

my issue is primarily that if i just charge like $50 a head there is no reason for anyone to return it back to me… so i’m thinking like a deposit left that is more than the cost of the fender roller, then i’ll refund the difference beyond the rental fee to you upon return… ya feel?

Nate, Mark, you guys are pretty near to me so we can chat about this anytime.

http://www.diamondracingwheels.com/ for badass steelies like Marks. Gotta have the right style if your going to make them look good though.

bing im thinking in a week or so ill get that roller off you. if thats cool?

I think tires 23 rents out a roller as well…

If someone brings me a roller we can do it for 50$ a corner, we use a heat gun and have rolled 350z, STis, 240s all without cracking.

We do not pull however.

the fender roller DOES pull…

after the fender is rolled fully you just flatten out the seam with a hammer then take the fender roller to it again… the fender will naturally pull out a little bit.

you can see it sorta here: http://www.bings.ca/images/bings%20cars/OS%20summer%20end/OS%20summer%20end%20(7).jpg

mind you i didnt give a shit about my paint… i rolled both rear fenders in 10 minutes (including jack time and removing wheels) at the track… after i had already rolled with a bar and flattened with a hammer.


THIS is how you pull a fender (just ran across this by total fluke from another forum)

nicest ive ever seen


^^^ thats perfect!!! thaats what i want mine to be like. hopfully!