Did anyone else see that roll over on the 219 today?
Its funny as hell how the bumper is stuck to the explorer.Nobody seemed to have gotten hurt
Any idea how? where on the 219?
It looked to me as if a car(with a girl driver) pulled out of a parking lot turning left.The other car had damage on the drivers door and fender.Suv probably swerved hit it and flipped over.I missed the seeing it by a minute probably.
just into springville
I have no clue how that bumper got there though.There dosent seem to be any damage to that part of the explorer
ahh ok by the walmart…nice…
Anyone see the Sedan get tboned by a loaded Semi on the 90 by the 33 2 days ago. This car got killed since it was 20ft into the grass. Paramedics, Fire Dept, whole 9 yards
I wonder what kind of a dumb shit you have to be to get tboned by a Semi on the fucking 90
that was be real f’in scary to get nailed by a semi
[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:7,topic:25666"”]
that was be real f’in scary to get nailed by a semi
Lets see, semi going 65+ on the 90 t-boning a sedan. Probably only scary for a second then it’s all over.
OT ~kinda~ I was turning left through a intersection (off the bullyvard) the light was yellow some cunt is determined to keep going so I slammed the brakes, after she goes I see a Explorer (black/grey) coming full bore, I see in my preff. vision that the light is now read, and hes a good 40-50yds BEHIND the light. I let off the brake to go since Im in the middle of the intersection on red, and he fu(kin GOES through!! JUST missed me all while looking tough at me. Muther Fu(ker I hate people like that, they’re gonna kill someone…almost killed us if I didnt have cat like instincts.
Anyone see the Sedan get tboned by a loaded Semi on the 90 by the 33 2 days ago. This car got killed since it was 20ft into the grass. Paramedics, Fire Dept, whole 9 yards
I wonder what kind of a dumb shit you have to be to get tboned by a Semi on the fucking 90
Holy crap, i seen the marks on the grass and wonder wtf happened! didn’t know it was this, crazy stuff :eek: