Root Five waterfront:shout out for my pops

my father and i used to work for dick, is he your uncle?

Richard(Dick) Root is indeed my uncle small world!!!

nyspeed discount?

lol no

I was just going to ask that.

No discount and you’re getting free advertisement? That’s kinda lame.

I used to valet when it was oscars, I have some great stories about that ha. I remember doing the biggest burnout in someones SHO, had to drive the car around awhile to get all the smoke out hahaha.

i’ve been meaning to take the lady there.

can you smoke on the patio?

the non covered part i think you can smoke on.

/\ What he said.

word. you know me and the dragon lady don’t go anywhere if we can’t smoke.

You can’t smoke at McDonalds…didn’t you go there for your anniversary?

take the lady to the place next to my house …real good food

yep, and i let her have whatever she wanted on the dollar menu.

word. what kind of food?

Dan Kraft is banned from every establishment ever.

after your shitty email i won’t be coming around your establishment anymore.

/\ lol what did u do dexatrim

i asked him to turn my vtec way up and if he’d install some siq tints for me.

oh haha.