Rotten egg smell..

My car smells like rotton eggs out of the exhust tonite…it also drop kinda low in RPM to about 400 then goes back up again…does anyone know what this could be?

Bad gasoline possibly

rotton eggs could mean clutch

clutch is more of a sickly sweet smell.

rotten eggs = cat not working.

I put in sonoco like i always have 2 nights ago …and it cant be clutch really casue its automatic lol…and my dad says its cat too but i dunno becasue i jsut bought a new one at the begining of summer…

Oh and it only does it sometimes other times it is running fine.

I agree with Theo… rotten egg smell is a bad cat…

Alright jsut got back from the garage they did a test…it IS the cat lol…i guess i thought it wasent becuse it just got put in brand new this summer…so tomarow they are going to do a test becasue something is causeing the cat to go bad…i guess something wrong in the engine to make it do that…any ideas?

so if you dont run a cat your exhaust will smell lik rotten eggs?

just run a hollowed out cat and have a good cat for when u need to do e test’s…i put a new cat, magnaflow, and it blew out after two months of use

i ran a hollowed outn cat for 10 months…never bothered by any cops or anything

stop farting in the car.


let us know the test results on the car see what happend

They put my stock cat back on today and now car runs fine again but alot quiteer now… :frowning: oh well next year ill be gettibng a whole new system so whatever…and they never di any test…i guess it was fine…? lol