Rudy or Hilary?


Yup, thats what i think. I’ve been around the planet, fighting one religion, just one. One religion had waged war against our, and many other countries. While I agree that 80 percent of the religion is fine. There are entire coultries full of asshat extremests. I’m not ready, and i think the majority of this country isn’t ready for a Muslim president. Hate away :meh:


Well good. Know that your beloved Christians slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people, and waged awars against other countries, over the course of ALL ages of history. So by your logic, that would make the entire world not ready for any sort of religion president.

A few bad Apples don’t judge an entire race, religion or ethnicity, and if you’re too damn stupid to realize that, I pity you.

Oh, and you weren’t fighting a religion. You were fighting a type of person.