Ruh Roh...


oh god i hope you dident download those…

Not I. Someone must have downloaded something that had the worm attached, and then it replicated itself into every directory on the server with “download” in the name.

Oh you are soo pwned

DOH. The joy of users.

“Oh yeah, I want a free vacation to Hawaii… I’ll click on the attachment…”.

Meh, I’ll let our IT “professional” :rolljerk: handle the hog… When she comes back from vacation next week… :ham:




Way to totally suck at life. :slight_smile:

I see pink in someone’s future.

And Britney Spears porn… :barf:

WOW, GL man hate to be you

:lol: no no no I didn’t do it, just found it. Now I’m basking in the stupidity of our “IT Department” which consists of one broad that doesn’t know crap but gets paid to call a consultant every time something goes wrong. I’m sure we’ll be fine. We have McAfee. :bloated:


I hate stupid IT people that have no right to be in the position they are in. At least we finally got someone worth a damn now where I am now. And they are finally updating/fixing shit.