Rules on Pacing for Speeding Tickets

You are guilty before proven innocent therefore you have no credibility.

you guys watch. i am going to beat this, especially when i bust out my home made salt map diagram. :rofl:

plus i’m bringing two officers and wearing my military uniform.

I bet you could of got out of it all if you were not a wise ass to the cop.

But I never was… :gotme:

Right off the bat, he was swearing and be hostile. Hit my window really hard with his maglite, and was treating the situation i found ourselves in…as if i had just robbed a bank.

What I’m saying is the hostile and arrogant part is your own doing. You’re breaking a law just because you feel like it. How hard is it to slap a front plate on? That cop is out there every day, in Buffalo, dealing with some real shitty people. Two BPD cops were just shot over nothing, and now he’s out there pulling you over for a bullshit plate, wondering if you’re going to cap him. How do you think he feels when he sees you drive by, no plate, basically just flipping him the bird saying, “Fuck this, I don’t like this so easy to follow law, BPD can kiss my ass”. So right there, you’re already on his shit list. Maybe you’re speeding, maybe you’re not, maybe it’s less than 46 mph but a little over the limit. Doesn’t matter now, because the cop is already pissed and he’s going to take out some of that on you.

Cliffs… put the damn plate on and watch how much less you get wrongly accused of other infractions.

I’ve met cool cops, nice cops, respectful cops, and asshole arrogant cops. I treat them with all the same amount of respect and I acknowledge I realize we all have bad days. But in this case, he was just plain fucked. Didn’t greet me, or ask to explain myself.

I was targeted, and treated with disrespect. I understand, he might have had a bad day or was just doing his job…but when it comes down to it… it treated me like shit and ticketed me unfairly.

And it was wierd. When he said, “Do you know how fast you were going?”…and I replied with “I don’t know officer, perhaps 35 or 40 mph?” He almost seemed like he thought of a number in his head, like looked up and over to left and said… “no…46”.

It was quite strange.

Hmm did you not pull over right away or something, usually buffalo cops are pretty lax on traffic infractions. Could of had a bad experience with another kitted out honda.

Im in the U.S Army, 1st Armored Division 501st MP Co. Do you know what that “MP” stands for? I know how shit works.

:lol: no i pulled over as soon as i was clear of the intersection, even turned my car off right away. It wasn’t my honda, my honda has been long gone and sold.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely believe he was an asshole. There are a lot of asshole cops in Buffalo. Dealing with what they do day in and day out probably turns you into an asshole a lot after than what police in other districts deal with. That’s why I’m suggesting you do as much as possible to avoid getting on their radar, especially simple things like plates, legal tint, exhaust etc.

Ive driven past the BPD station with my tinted window 3/4s of the way down, my seatbelt off while talking on my cell phone (with cops in their cars out front) and never had a problem.

One of my buddies ran a red light with a BPD right behind him and he didnt get pulled over… I was really suprised that time.

I think buffalo has less asshole cops than any of the surrounding areas. I rarely hear of people getting pulled over for traffic infractions, usually when they do its pretty blatent…

Akkord good luck with your situation, sounds like you just were in the wrong place at the wrong time and you got fucked. You could be speeding just about anywhere else in buffalo and cops could give a shit. I doubt they have more than 5 or so cars with radar anyway, and the only place I have ever seen a speed trap setup was on the 33.

dude, you shouldn’t have been even going even close to 46 on elmwood.

You probably took off and were jamming around, thats a high traffic zone, you probably pissed some cop off.

gotcha, and I understand he probably sees a lot of shit that would make me an asshole too. But I think if you treat everyone with respect instead of hostility, you might save yourself someday.


I was around 35 mph. At 1 in the morning.

BTW… what WERE you driving? Any mods? Anything else illegal besides the front plate?

^ that right there is why you got pulled. 1am and your a “kid” in his eyes. he probably thought you had been out partying and wanted to get you for something else.

a new impala ss, im just borrowing it until i ship out to germany.

I’d fight this one. Sounds like you might be able to get it reduced due to the fact of being MP & showing up with a couple cops, but that would work where I am from…

However in Buffalo, I’m a noob when it comes to the City courts, except fighting a parking ticket which they basically said fuck you and pay it when it totally wasn’t my fault. Ah well…

ummm…all im gonna say is good luck in court and i think yu have a chance to win it…just do the right thing and throw a front plate on there…