Fight the fight if you know your right.
also, if your lucky the cop wont show and the ticket gets dropped. but dont be too pushy with your case cause then they will just fuck you harder. just ask ALL your questions first (I.E. how much distance is required for pacing speed to give a ticket, etc) and THEN come back and point out your case using all the previous information, that way its not a back and forth fight, more or less you using all the information straight from his own mouth to prove your right.
Nothing a judge loves more than spending time on a full blown dog and pony show over a serious crime like a traffic infraction. :tup:
Seriously though, good luck. Sounds like you got unfairly ticketed.
i had a cop spend 30 minutes writing me a no front plate ticket after doing a u turn on busy ass fucking chipewa on the night before thanksgiving…
i’m sure there were 100 more important things he could have been doing.
there is many ways to not get herassed by the police. Obeying the rules in NYS is one of them.
The missing front plate is probably the only reason you were pulled over in the first place.
and being stopped at 1am im sure the cop was looking for other things. You self incriminated yourself when you said you didnt know how fast you were going.
I know its been on here or you can search youtube for the video on what to do and say when you get pulled over.
he said how fucking fast do you think the speed limit is?
i replied with “30 or 35”.
“in my fucking city its 30, do you know how fast you were flying?”
“ummm 35 MAYBE 40 at most”
“40 fucking 6 fucking miles per hour”.
Don’t tell me, its my fault. This cop was a dick from the get-go. I am a MP and I haven’t seen generals or other MP’s this hard on anyone for something so minor. Powertrip like whoa.
You’ve thrown the fact that you’re an MP in our face several times, so how many times did you tell the cop that?
The more I listen to you, the more I think there is a whole other side to this story. Maybe not, maybe you just got a real asshole of a cop who was having a bad day.
I never told the cop that.
He was an ass hole off the bat…didn’t even let me get a word out. I figured i would take the ticket, and just resolve it in court.
It comes down to this. You are either paying the ticket or not paying the ticket. If you win, you dont pay and give the cop you felt was an asshole a big slap in his egos face. If you lose, you pay the fine which would have to do anyway if you didnt contest the ticket and piss the guy off for dragging him into court which is the last thing he want to do since he tried to threaten you into not doing it. I’d say you would win either way because this is about being harassed and not about the cash. Its like that picture of the stork eating the frog but the frog is choking his neck so he cant swallow him all the way. Your a military guy and a military cop. This guy pushed and you want to push back. Youve been trained to react like this. Dont be a pussy. Do your thing. Either way your gunna win because you going to raise this guys blood pressure and thats what you are really looking for since he did it to you. I am Dr. Phil and i’m out.
I have been to the Buffalo court many times. The judge is actually pretty nice. Dress well and present your case. Bring a diagram or sat photo of the streets off Google.
I think you have a decent chance.
u stupid shit, u WERE speeding, pay the fucking fine and stop crying. god damn little pussies.
ive gotten prolly ~30 various traffic tickets in my life and have never bitched like a fucking woman like some of these people do.
when they yank your license for 3 - 6 months for getting 3 speeds in 18 months you will be crying like a little bitch
i say fight it but don’t go too far out of your way.
also, who cares if he didn’t have his front plate on? that doesn’t justify a cop being a total dickhead about life. And i’m sure that wasn’t the reason he got pulled over in the first place since it was 1am and the cop seemed to just be looking for someone to screw with. The front plate was just the only other thing he could find on the car to be an asshole about.
i’m sure if they car had ANYTHING else done to it, you would have seen a few more tickets. some cops just have bad days like that, usually has little or nothing to do with the person being pulled over.
You went through all that math and it never dawned on you that 1/5 is less than 1/4?
For anyone who doesn’t care about reading 3 pages of shit.
nobody makes you speed, right? bitch all you want its still your own stupidity :smash2:
Right because innocent internet angels like yourself NEVER break the law…
give me a fucking break already
try to sound this out … H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E
Screw the cop i’d have whipped my empty beer bottle at him and spit on his shoes. How dare he treat you like some hoodlum from the city. Did you ask if he knew who the F he was talkin to gawd i hate pecker cops
LOL that cop has no right to treat you disrepectfully fight it
Ok well, what about Vette’s?
They don’t come with a front plate out of the dealer.
I’m willing to bet that they don’t get pissed when they see a Vette with no front plate.
Let’s face it, some cops are byest and don’t like us import guys.
Don’t get me wrong, if your speeding you have it coming. But getting pulled over for a plate, it just seems like this cop was looking for a reason to pull you over.