ticket ? ....

got stopped for a 54 in a 40 in Depew on broadway near green acres ( the driving range) the officer accidently wrote 30mph zone instead of 40mph zone… wtf do I do now? does anyone know a good laywer if ill need one for this area? if so PM me


What are the details on the ticket for the stopped location? Is the location marked where you can simply go there and take a picture of the speed limit?

Had a friend (who I was driving with) get the same sort of ticket, in which the officer wrote the wrong speed limit. It got dropped in court.

I hope you have the same luck.

just says broadway on ticket… he followed me to a red light (which we both stopped at b/c it was red) then the speed changes to 30 after the light then pulled me over in town…

Oooh, thats some shit. Good luck man…

but he specifically told me it was a 54 in a 40 zone… that’s why I know he made the mistake

so take a photo of the street sign and bring it with you and don’t sound like a prick just say, you know what I’m still wrong here, but there was an honest mistake that he wrote down blah blah - you can figure it out

Ya don’t start calling the officer out. Ask for the ticket to be dropped and when they ask why, say that it was not a 30mph zone, the zone was 40 and here are the pictures of the intersection. If you dress up like a functioning adult and express the issue clearly, you will find the DAs are really easy to deal with.

I have a great lawyer that can definitely take care of that. I’m 99% sure if you go to court without a lawyer they will just take the officers word for the speed zone.

A lawyer will def take care of this for you. My little bro got a 75 in a 35 on George Urban in Depew LOL dumbass! Anyways 240$ later he didn’t have school or points, this ticket doesn’t seem so bad, someone on here has to have a lawyer. I’d ask my bro but he’s gone to basic training.

      • Updated - - -

EDIT: Just saw the area, I fucking HATE THIS ZONE. I usually start slowing down before I hit the Arab Gas station at the corner of Borden and Broadway, such a trap, people always flying through there 15+ if they’re not familiar with the area.